एमएसएमई को त्वरित एक्सेस और तत्काल समाधान के साथ सशक्त करना
सौर ऊर्जा परियोजना हेतु ऋण के लिए हमारे एमएसएमई ऋण का लाभ उठाएं.
सौर परियोजना हेतु वित्तपोषण योजना
ब्याज दर और प्रभार
सौर परियोजना हेतु वित्तपोषण योजना : उद्देश्य
To Purchase and Install grid Connected Solar Equipment/Plant only for captive purpose in the form of :
(1) Rooftop
(2) Ground Mounted
सौर परियोजना हेतु वित्तपोषण योजना : विशेषताएं
Target Group
Micro, Small and Medium Entities (Botj MSME-Regulatory and MSME-Expanded) engaged in economic activity of income generating nature. Standalone to large/Mid Corporate Borrower can be considered under the scheme and such account are to classified under MSME-Expanded for the purpose of classification under this scheme specific only.
No Limitation on the basis of Location. The Lead can be sourced by the Bank as well as through bank appointed External Agency/ies
सौर परियोजना हेतु वित्तपोषण योजना : पात्रता
Borrower Constitution
As per Banks Extant Guidelines
Age Criteria
Age Criteria Applicable for Following as below: | ||
Proprietor of Proprietorship Firm | Minimum Age at the time of receipt of Loan Application | Maximum Age at the Time of Loan Maturity |
25 years | 65 years | |
Individual Guarantor | 21 years | 65 years |
Facility Type- Term Loan
Loan Amount-
Minimum – Rs 10.00 Lakhs
Maximum – Rs.30.00 Crores (including AMC and Insaurance Fees)
Repayment Period-
Maximum 120 months including moratorium period. Maximum Moratorium Period is 18 months from date of first disbursement or Maximum 6 months after DCCO whichever is earlier
Rate of Interest
ROI for borrower upto exposure Rs.7.50 Crs is based on CMR and above Rs.7.50 Crs is based on CR
Rating/Ranking | Rate of Interest |
CMR1-3/CR 1-3 | (BRLL-0.40%) / (6M MCLR) |
CMR 4-5/Unrated/CR 4-5 | (BRLL) /(MCLR+SP) |
सौर परियोजना हेतु वित्तपोषण योजना : ब्याज दर और प्रभार
अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.
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