2004-05 वित्तीय रिपोर्ट

Filter by Quarter
- december05
- September 05
- june05
Sr.no | Particulars | Quarter Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewed) | Quarter Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewed) | Nine Months Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewed) | Nine Months Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewed) | Full Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1. | Interest earned (a+b+c+d) | 1775.41 | 1592.39 | 5142.69 | 4668.94 | 6431.41 | |
a) | Interest / discount on advances / bills | 972.79 | 746.74 | 2696.58 | 2169.87 | 2902.75 | |
b) | Income on Investments | 720.83 | 763.13 | 2207.13 | 2222.58 | 2988.98 | |
c) | Interest on balance with RBI and other inter-bank funds | 80.23 | 51.64 | 210.61 | 172.59 | 235.46 | |
d) | Others | 1.56 | 30.88 | 28.37 | 103.90 | 304.22 | |
2. | Other income | 272.25 | 284.29 | 790.57 | 1038.35 | 1304.83 | |
A | TOTAL INCOME (1+2) | 2047.66 | 1876.68 | 5933.26 | 5707.29 | 7736.24 | |
3. | Interest expended | 959.93 | 864.11 | 2786.75 | 2569.33 | 3452.15 | |
4. | Operating Expenses (e+f) | 610.24 | 492.04 | 1718.08 | 1471.03 | 1982.18 | |
e) | Payments to and Provisions for employees | 400.06 | 352.55 | 1141.86 | 1038.34 | 1381.05 | |
f) | Other Operating expenses | 210.18 | 139.49 | 576.22 | 432.69 | 601.13 | |
B | TOTAL EXPENDITURE (3+4) (Excluding Provisions & Contingencies) | 1570.17 | 1356.15 | 4504.83 | 4040.36 | 5434.33 | |
C | OPERATING PROFIT (A-B) ( Profit before Provisions & Contingencies) | 477.49 | 520.53 | 1428.43 | 1666.93 | 2301.91 | |
D | Provisions & Contingencies | 193.31 | 500.79 | 576.16 | 908.63 | 1438.79 | |
---of which provision for Non performing assets | 42.6127.60 | 186.77 | 254.58 | 456.21 | |||
E | Provision for taxes | 82.00 | -49.76 | 234.08 | 182.50 | 186.28 | |
F | NET PROFIT (C-D-E) | 202.18 | 69.50 | 618.19 | 575.80 | 676.84 | |
5. | Paid up Equity Share capital (Face Value of Rs.10/- each) | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | |
6. | Reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) (as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year) | 5096.47 | 4587.13 | 5096.47 | 4587.13 | 5096.47 | |
7. | Analytical Ratios | ||||||
I | Percentage of Shares held by Government of India | 66.83 | 66.83 | 66.83 | 66.83 | 66.83 | |
ii | Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) | 12.81 | 13.94 | 12.81 | 13.94 | 12.61 | |
iii | Earning per Share in Rs. (not annualised) | 6.89 | 2.37 | 21.08 | 19.63 | 23.08 | |
iv | (a) Amount of gross non-performing assets | 3151.68 | 3456.19 | 3151.68 | 3456.19 | 3321.81 | |
(b) Amount of net non-performing assets | 575.63 | 821.09 | 575.63 | 821.09 | 619.64 | ||
(c) % of gross NPAs to gross Advances | 5.74 | 8.31 | 5.74 | 8.31 | 7.30 | ||
<(d) % of net NPAs to net Advances | 1.10 | 2.11 | 1.10 | 2.11 | 1.45 | ||
v | Return on Assets (annualised) % | 0.79 | 0.32 | 0.84 | 0.88 | 0.75 | |
8 | Aggregate of Non Promoter Shareholding | ||||||
Number of shares | 97265500 | 97263600 | 97265500 | 97263600 | 97265400 | ||
Percentage of shareholding | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 |
Notes forming part of the financial results for the Quarter / Nine Months Ended 31.12.2005.
- The above finacial results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 27/01/2006. The same has been subjected to a "Limited Review" by Statutory Central Auditors as per the listing agreements.
- There has been no change in the Accounting Policies adopted during the period up to 31st December 2005 compared to those followed in the immediately preceding financial year 2004-05, other than implemnetation of Accounting Standard (AS-11) relating to the "Effect of changes in foreign exchnage" in place of FEDAI guidelines. Net loss of Rs.7.98 Crore for the quarter ended December 2005 and net loss of Rs.11.14 Crore for nine months ended December 2005 has been accounted in the books as Loss on revaluation of foreign currency assets and liabilities. Pending Reconciliaiton of Foreign Currency Nostro/Mirror accounts a provision for revaluation of Rs.44.09 crores has been made during the quarter ended 31.12.05.
- Reconciliation / balancing of debit and credit outstanding entries in various heads of accounts, included in Inter office adjustments, NOSTRO, Drafts / TTs payable, Clearing Adjustments (including interse the Bank's Overseas Branches and those with Position Maintaining Offices in India), Dividend / Interest / Refund Orders Paid / Payable etc. is in progress.
- The financial results for the quarter / nine months ended 31.12.05 have been arrived at after considering provisions for Non Performing Assets, Standard Assets and depreciation on Investments on the basis of prudential norms issued by RBI. Provision for taxes (including deferred tax and fringe benefit tax) and contingencies including for retirement benefits viz., gratuity, pension, leave encashment benefit of employees etc., have been considered on estimated basis.
- In terms of RBI Guidelines, the bank has, during the quarter ended June 05, transferred a portion of Govt. Securities (SLR) kept in "Available for Sale" category to "Held to Maturity" category. The resultant depreciation of Rs.259.98 crores has been charged to the Profit and Loss A/c.
- Provisions and contingenices for the quarter under review has been arrived at after writing back a sum of Rs.72.93 Crores from its existing provisions against non performing assets which were in excess of the regulatory requirement. The balance of floating provisions as at 31.12.2005 stands at Rs. 390.50 Crore.
- In terms of RBI's letter dated 20.12.2005, the bank has accounted for Rs.42.49 Crore pertaining to the net credit balances of entries originated in Inter Branch account upto 31st March 1999 as Miscellaneous Income. The same would be appropriated to General Reserve and Statutory Reserves.
- Status of Investor's complaints:
Pending at the beginning of the quarter Nil Received during the quarter 86 Disposed off during the quarter 86 Pending at the close of the quarter Nil
Segment Reporting For The Quarter / Half Year Ended 31.12.2005
Part A - Business Segments
Sr. No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewd) | Quarter Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewd) | Nine Months Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewd) | Nin Months Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewd) | Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1 | Segment Revenue | ||||||
(a) | Treasury Operations | 937.45 | 969.81 | 2857.76 | 3174.47 | 4085.53 | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 1110.21 | 906.87 | 3075.50 | 2532.82 | 3650.71 | |
Total | 2047.66 | 1876.68 | 5933.26 | 5707.29 | 7736.24 | ||
2 | Segment Results | ||||||
(a) | Treasury Operations | 67.79 | -166.74 | 167.35 | 416.85 | (295.06) | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 375.23 | 300.88 | 945.50 | 668.69 | 1279.40 | |
Total | 443.02 | 134.14 | 1112.85 | 1085.54 | 984.34 | ||
Unallocated expenditure | 158.84 | 114.40 | 260.58 | 327.24 | 121.22 | ||
Profit before Tax | 284.18 | 19.74 | 852.27 | 758.30 | 863.12 | ||
Provision for Tax | 82.00 | -49.76 | 234.08 | 182.50 | 186.28 | ||
Net Profit | 202.18 | 69.50 | 618.19 | 575.80 | 676.84 | ||
3 | Other Information | ||||||
Segment Assets | |||||||
(a) | Treasury Operationas | 43358.97 | 46079.81 | 43358.97 | 46079.81 | 42998.19 | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 58678.94 | 44833.63 | 58678.94 | 44833.63 | 49197.76 | |
Total | 102037.91 | 90913.44 | 102037.91 | 90913.44 | 92195.95 | ||
Unallocated Assets | 1756.65 | 1799.34 | 1756.65 | 1799.34 | 2468.29 | ||
Total | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 94664.24 | ||
Segment Liabilities | |||||||
(a) Treasury Operations | 42628.78 | 44731.18 | 42628.78 | 44731.18 | 42215.54 | ||
(b) Other Banking Operations | 51422.97 | 38684.94 | 51422.97 | 38684.94 | 41915.38 | ||
Total | 94051.75 | 83416.12 | 94051.75 | 83416.12 | 84130.92 | ||
Unallocated Liabilities | 9742.81 | 9296.66 | 9742.81 | 9296.66 | 10533.32 | ||
Total | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 94664.24 |
Part B - Geographic Segments
Sr. No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewd) | Quarter Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewd) | Nine Months Ended 31.12.05 (Reviewd) | Nin Months Ended 31.12.04 (Reviewd) | Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1 |
(a) | Domestic | 1830.39 | 1715.81 | 5343.69 | 5255.03 | 7128.51 | |
(b) | International | 217.27 | 160.87 | 589.57 | 452.26 | 607.73 | |
Total | 2047.66 | 1876.68 | 5933.26 | 5707.29 | 7736.24 | ||
2 | Assets | ||||||
(a) | Domestic | 88190.99 | 80040.52 | 88190.99 | 80040.52 | 80114.11 | |
(b) | International | 15603.57 | 12672.26 | 15603.57 | 12672.26 | 14550.13 | |
Total | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 103794.56 | 92712.78 | 94664.24 |
Notes on Segment Reporting
- As per guidelines of RBI on compliance with Accounting Standards, Bank has adopted "Treasury Operations" and "Other Banking Opertions" as Primary business segments and "Domestic" and "International" as secondary / geographic segments for the purpose of compliance with AS-17 on Segment Reporting issued by ICAI.
- In determining the segment results, the funds transfer price mechanism followed by the bank has been used.
- Segment revenue represents revenue from external customers.
Place :Mumbai
Date :27.01.2006
Sr No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Quarter Ended 30.09.04 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.04 (Reviewed) | Full Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1. | Interest earned (a+b+c+d) | 1694.04 | 1548.14 | 3367.28 | 3076.55 | 6431.41 | |
a) | Interest / discount on advances / bills | 887.46 | 712.00 | 1723.79 | 1423.13 | 2902.75 | |
b) | Income on Investments | 735.73 | 732.17 | 1486.30 | 1459.45 | 2988.98 | |
c) | Interest on balance with RBI and other inter-bank funds | 64.21 | 66.35 | 130.38 | 120.95 | 235.46 | |
d) | Others | 6.64 | 37.62 | 26.81 | 73.02 | 304.22 | |
2. | Other income | 309.55 | 359.47 | 518.32 | 754.06 | 1304.83 | |
A | TOTAL INCOME (1+2) | 2003.59 | 1907.61 | 3885.60 | 3830.61 | 7736.24 | |
3. | Interest expended | 912.28 | 859.85 | 1826.82 | 1705.22 | 3452.15 | |
4. | Operating Expenses (e+f) | 595.99 | 497.85 | 1107.84 | 978.99 | 1982.18 | |
e) | Payments to and Provisions for employees | 411.43 | 340.79 | 741.80 | 685.79 | 1381.05 | |
f) | ther Operating expenses | 184.56 | 157.06 | 366.04 | 293.20 | 601.13 | |
B | TOTAL EXPENDITURE (3+4) (Excluding Provisions & Contingencies) | 1508.27 | 1357.70 | 2934.66 | 2684.21 | 5434.33 | |
C | OPERATING PROFIT (A-B) ( Profit before Provisions & Contingencies) | 495.32 | 549.91 | 950.94 | 1146.40 | 2301.91 | |
D | Provisions & Contingencies | 125.70 | 245.69 | 382.85 | 407.84 | 1438.79 | |
---of which provision for Non performing assets | 104.88 | 155.78 | 144.16 | 226.98 | 456.21 | ||
E | Provision for taxes | 110.55 | 90.91 | 152.08 | 232.26 | 186.28 | |
F | NET PROFIT (C-D-E) | 259.07 | 213.31 | 416.01 | 506.30 | 676.84 | |
5. | Paid up Equity Share capital | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | |
6. | Reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) (as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year) | 5096.47 | 4587.13 | 5096.47 | 4587.13 | 5096.47 | |
7. | Analytical Ratios | ||||||
I | Percentage of Shares held by Government of India | 66.83% | 66.83% | 66.83% | 66.83% | 66.83% | |
ii | Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) | 12.79 | 13.97 | 12.79 | 13.97 | 12.61 | |
iii | Earning per Share (Rs.) (not annualised) (Face Value Rs.10/- each) | 8.83 | 7.27 | 14.19 | 17.26 | 23.08 | |
iv | (a) Amount of gross non-performing assets | 3234.96 | 3725.08 | 3234.96 | 3725.08 | 3321.81 | |
(b) Amount of net non-performing assets | 547.27 | 833.43 | 547.27 | 833.43 | 619.64 | ||
(c) % of gross NPAs | 6.34 | 9.41 | 6.34 | 9.41 | 7.30 | ||
(d) % of net NPAs | 1.13 | 2.27 | 1.13 | 2.27 | 1.45 | ||
v | Return on Assets (annualised) | 1.05 | 1.01 | 0.85 | 1.19 | 0.75 | |
8 | Aggregate of Non Promoter Shareholding | ||||||
Number of shares | 97265400 | 97263600 | 97265400 | 97263600 | 97265400 | ||
Percentage of shareholding | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 |
Notes forming part of the financial results for the Quarter / Half Year Ended 30.09.2005.
- The above results have been taken on record by the Board at its meeting held on 28-10-2005. The same has been subjected to Limited Review by Statutory Central Auditors.
- The working results for the quarter / half year ended 30.09.05 have been arrived at after considering provision for NPAs, Standard Assets and depreciation/provision for Investments on the basis of prudential norms issued by RBI.Provision for taxes (including deferred tax) and contingencies including for retirement benefits viz., gratuity, pension, leave encashment benefit of employees etc., have been considered on estimated basis.
- The bank has revised its Accounting Policy on Accounting for effect on changes in Foreign Currencies as per AS 11 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Net gain of Rs.1.25 crores for quarter ended Sept. 05 and net loss of Rs.3.18 crores for Half Year ended Sept. '05 has been accounted in the books as Gain / Loss on revaluation of foreign currency assets and Liabilities.
- In terms of RBI Guidelines, the bank has, during the quarter ended June 05, transferred a portion of Govt. Securities (SLR) kept in "Available for Sale" category to "Held to Maturity" category. The resultant depreciation of Rs.259.98 crores has been charged to the Profit and Loss A/c .
- Status of Investor's complaints:
Pending at the beginning of the quarter Nil Received during the quarter 58 Disposed off during the quarter 58 Pending at the close of the quarter Nil
Segment Reporting For The Quarter / Half Year Ended 30.09.2005
Part A - Business Segments
Sr. No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Quarter Ended 30.09.04 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.04 (Reviewed) | Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1 | Segment Revenue | ||||||
(a) | Treasury Operations | 983.63 | 1124.57 | 1920.31 | 2202.66 | 4085.53 | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 1019.95 | 783.04 | 1965.28 | 1625.95 | 3650.71 | |
Total | 2003.58 | 1907.61 | 3885.59 | 3830.61 | 7736.24 | ||
2 | Segment Results | ||||||
(a) | Treasury Operations | 148.37 | 246.28 | 99.57 | 583.59 | (295.06) | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 273.77 | (21.39) | 570.26 | 367.81 | 1279.40 | |
Total | 422.14 | 224.89 | 669.83 | 951.40 | 984.34 | ||
Unallocated expenditure | 52.52 | (79.33) | 101.74 | 212.84 | 121.22 | ||
Profit before Tax | 369.62 | 304.22 | 568.09 | 738.56 | 863.12 | ||
Provision for Tax | 110.55 | 90.91 | 152.08 | 232.26 | 186.28 | ||
Net Profit | 259.07 | 213.31 | 416.01 | 506.30 | 676.84 | ||
3 | Other Information | ||||||
Segment Assets | |||||||
(a) | Treasury Operations | 45803.93 | 47385.88 | 45803.93 | 47385.88 | 42998.19 | |
(b) | Other Banking Operations | 54106.93 | 42118.84 | 54106.93 | 42118.84 | 49197.76 | |
Total | 10.89996 | 89504.72 | 99910.86 | 89504.72 | 92195.95 | ||
Unallocated Assets | 1732.23 | 1695.00 | 1732.23 | 1695.00 | 2468.29 | ||
Total | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 94664.24 | ||
Segment Liabilities | |||||||
(a) Treasury Operations | 45669.07 | 46930.49 | 45669.07 | 46930.49 | 42215.54 | ||
(b) Other Banking Operations | 46649.35 | 35562.26 | 46649.35 | 35562.26 | 41915.38 | ||
Total | 92318.42 | 82492.75 | 92318.42 | 82492.75 | 84130.92 | ||
Unallocated Liabilities | 9324.67 | 8706.97 | 9324.67 | 8706.97 | 10533.32 | ||
Total | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 94664.24 |
Part- B : Geographic Segments
Sr. No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Quarter Ended 30.09.04 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.05 (Reviewed) | Half Year Ended 30.09.04(Reviewed) | Year Ended 31.03.05 (Audited) | |
1 | Revenue | ||||||
(a) | Domestic | 1815.81 | 1748.16 | 3513.30 | 3539.22 | 7128.51 | |
(b) | International | 187.78 | 159.45 | 372.30 | 291.39 | 607.73 | |
Total | 2003.59 | 1907.61 | 3885.60 | 3830.61 | 7736.24 | ||
2 | Assets | ||||||
(a) | Domestic | 86356.09 | 78468.35 | 86356.09 | 78468.35 | 80114.11 | |
(b) | International | 15286.99 | 12731.37 | 15286.99 | 12731.37 | 14550.13 | |
Total | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 101643.09 | 91199.72 | 94664.24 |
Notes on Segment Reporting
- As per guidelines of RBI on compliance with Accounting Standards, Bank has adopted "Treasury Operations" and "Other Banking Opertions" as Primary business segments and "Domestic" and "International" as secondary / geographic segments for the purpose of compliance with AS-17 on Segment Reporting issued by ICAI.
- In determining the segment results, the funds transfer price mechanism followed by the bank has been used.
- Segment revenue represents revenue from external customers.
Place: Mumbai
Date: 28.10.2005
Sr No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended 30.06.2005 (Reviewed) | Quarter Ended 30.06.2004 (Reviewed) | Full Year Ended 31.03.2005 (Audited) | |
1 | Interest earned (a+b+c+d) | 1673.24 | 1528.41 | 6431.41 | |
a) | Interest/discount on advances/bills | 836.33 | 711.13 | 2902.75 | |
b ) | Income on Investment | 750.57 | 727.28 | 2988.98 | |
c) | Interest on balances with RSI and ether inter-bank funds | 66.17 | 54.60 | 235.46 | |
d) | Others | 20.17 | 35.40 | 304.22 | |
2 | Other income | 208.77 | 394.59 | 1304.83 | |
A | TOTAL INCOME (1+2) | 1882.01 | 1923.00 | 7736.24 | |
3 | Interest expended | 914.54 | 945.37 | 3452,15 | |
4 | Operating Expenses (e+f) | 511.85 | 481.14 | 1982.18 | |
e) | Payments to and Provisions (or employees | 330.37 | 345.00 | 1381.05 | |
f) | Other Operating expenses | 181.48 | 136.14 | 601.13 | |
B | TOTAL EXPENDITURE (3+4) {Excluding Provisions & Contingencies) | 1426.39 | 132G.51 | 5434.33 | |
C | OPERATING PROFIT (A-B) (Profit before Provisions & Contingencies) | 455.62 | 596.49 | 2301.91 | |
D | Provisions & Contingencies | 257.15 | 162.15 | 1438.79 | |
—of which provisions for Non Performing Assets | 39.28 | 71.20 | 456.21 | ||
E | Provision for taxes | 41.53 | 141.35 | 166.28 | |
F | NET PROFIT (C-D-E) | 156.94 | 292.99 | 676.84 | |
5 | Paid-up Equity Share Capital | 294.53 | 294.53 | 294.53 | |
6 | Reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) | 5096.47 | 4587.13 | 5096.47 | |
(as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year) | |||||
7 | Analytical Ratios | ||||
i | Percentage of Shares held by Government of India | 66.83% | 66.83% | 66.83% | |
ii | Capital Adequacy Ratio {%) | 11.99 | 13.97 | 12.61 | |
iii | Earning Per Share {Rs.) | 5.35 | 9.99 | 23.08 | |
(not annuallsed) {face value Rs. 10/- each) | |||||
iv | {a) Amount of gross non-performing assets | 3371.37 | 4111.30 | 3321.81 | |
(b) Amount of net non-performing assets | 647.39 | 1056.25 | 619.64 | ||
(c) % of gross NPAs | 7.21 | 10.41 | 7.30 | ||
(d) % of net NPAs | 1.47 | 2.90 | 1.45 | ||
v | Return on Assets (annualised) | 0.66 | 1.36 | 0.75 | |
8 | Aggregate of Non Promoter Shareholding | ||||
Number of shares | 97265400 | 97263000 | 97265400 | ||
Percentage of shareholding | 33.17 | 33.17 | 33.17 |
Notes forming part of the financial results for the Quarter Ended 30.06.2005.
- The above results have been taken record by the Board at its meeting held on 28.07.2006.
- Working results for the quarter ended 30 06.05 Mare teen arrived at after considering provision (or NPA's Standard Assets and depreciation on Investments on the basis of prudential
norms issued by RBI.
Provision for taxes (including deferred tax) and contingencies including gratuity, pension, leaves encashment benefit of employees etc., have been considered on estimated basis.
- During the quarter, the bank has revised its Accounting Policies on Accounting for effect on changes in Foreign Currencies as pe r AS 11 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the net loss of Rs. 4.42 crores has been accounted in the books as Loss on revaluation of foreign currency assets and Liabilites.
- In terms of RBI Guidelines, the bank has during the quarter transferred a portion of Govt. Securities (SLR) kept In 'Available e for Sale 1 category to 'Held to Maturity 1 category. The resultant depreciation of Rs. 259.98 crores has been charged to the Profit and Loss A/C.
Status of investor 1 * complaints.
- Pending at the beginning of the quarter Nil
- Received during the quarter 35
- Disposed off during the quarter 35
- Pending at the close of the charter Nil
Segment Reporting For The Quarter Ended 30th June 2005
Part A - Business Segments
Sr. No. | Particulars | Quarter Ended | Quarter Ended | Year ended |
30.06.2005 | 30.06.2004 | 31.03.2005 | ||
1 | Segment Revenue | |||
(a) Treasury Operations | 936.68 | 1080.09 | 4085.53 | |
(b)Other Banking Operations | 945.33 | 842.91 | 3650.71 | |
Total | 1882.01 | 1923.00 | 7736.24 | |
2 | Segment Results | |||
(a) Treasury Operations | (48 81) | 337.31 | (295.06) | |
(b) Other Banking Operations | 296.49 | 389 20 | 1279.40 | |
Total | 247.69 | 726.51 | 984.34 | |
Unallocated expenditure | 49,22 | 292.17 | 121.22 | |
Profit before Tax | 198.47 | 43434 | 863.12 | |
Provision for Tax | 41 53 | 141 35 | 186 28 | |
Net Profit | 156.94 | 292.99 | 676.84 | |
3 | Other Information | |||
Segment Assets | ||||
(a) Treasury Operations | 44282 97 | 44138.72 | 42998 19 | |
(b) Other Banking Operations | 49189.75 | 41672 10 | 49197.76 | |
Total | 93472.72 | 85810.82 | 92195.95 | |
Unallocated Assets | 1411.08 | 1595.26 | 2468.29 | |
Total | 94883 80 | 87406 08 | 94664.24 | |
Segment Liabilities | ||||
a) Treasury Operations | 43677.26 | 43308.30 | 42215.54 | |
(b) Other Banking Operations | 42908 38 | 35580.33 | 41915.38 | |
Total | 86585.64 | 78888.63 | 84130.92 | |
Unallocated Liabilities | 8298.16 | 8517.45 | 10533 32 | |
Total | 94883.80 | 87406.08 | 94664.24 |
Part B - Geographic Segments
Sr No. | Quarter Ended 30.06.2005 | Quarter Ended 30.06.2004 | Full Year Ended 31.03.2005 | |
1 | Revenue | |||
(a) Domestic | 1697 49 | 1791 06 | 7128.51 | |
(b) international | 184 52 | 131.94 | 607.73 | |
Total | 1882.01 | 1923.00 | 7736.24 | |
2 | Assets | |||
[a) Domestic | 81644 17 | 75367.36 | 80114.11 | |
(B) International | 13239.63 | 12038.72 | 14550.13 | |
Total | 94883.80 | 87406. 08 | 94664.24 |
Notes on Segment Reporting:
As per guidelines of RBI on compliance with Accounting Standards, Bank has adopted “Treasury Operations” and “Other Banking Operations” as primary business segments and “Domestic” and “International” as Secondary/geographic segments for the purpose of compliance with AS-17 Segment Reporting issued by ICAI.
In determining the segment results, the funds transfer price mechanism followed by the the bank has been used.
Segment revenue represents revenue from external customers.
Place: Mumbai
Date: 28/07/2005