शिक्षा ऋण ईएमआई कैलकुलेटर
ऋण राशि:
₹500000 -
ब्याज दर (%):
8.10 -
ऋण अवधि (मासिक):
180 -
की एक समान मासिक किश्त (ईएमआई)
विद्या लक्ष्मी पोर्टल
सहायता चाहिए ?
टोल फ्री नंबर .
विदेश से कॉल करने वाले
घरेलू ग्राहकों के लिए 24x7 उपलब्धता:
+91 79-66296009
Who can apply for the loan?
Any Indian national fulfilling criteria stated above is eligible for education loan.
Who can be co-obligant?
The parents, guardians, friends and relatives can be co-obligant.
How much does Bank of Baroda lend?
Studies in India - Maximum Rs.125.00 Lakh for Medical & Aviation & for others Rs.10 lakhs
Studies abroad - Rs. 150.00 lakh for Institutions specified in List of Premier Institutions & Rs. 60.00 lakh for Institutions not specified in List of Premier Institutions
For how long a period can I get the loan?
We grant loans for a term of 10-15 years after repayment holiday/moratorium.
What is the repayment holiday/moratorium period?
Course period + 1 year
What is the mode of repayment?
The accrued interest during the repayment holiday period to be added to the principal and repayment in Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) is fixed.
Do you offer any concession?
Yes, we do offer 0.5% interest concession to the girl student Loanee
What type of interest do you charge under your Education Loan Scheme?
We charge simple interest at monthly rests during the repayment holiday/moratorium period.
Do you levy any penalty for default under the scheme?
Yes, we charge penal interest @ 2% on overdue amount in the loan exceeding Rs. 4 lakhs.