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Choose Bank of Baroda’s premium health policy
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy)
Claims Procedure
Important Documents
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Features
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy is a floater health insurance, covering the members of a family under a single sum insured. The Policy covers expenses in respect of inpatient treatment (allopathy, ayurveda and homeopathy), domiciliary hospitalisaion, reasonably and customarily incurred for treatment of a disease or an injury contracted/sustained during the policy period. The Policy also covers pre hospitalisation and post hospitalisation expenses, 140+ day care procedures/surgeries, organ donor’s medical expenses, hospital cash, ambulance charges, air ambulance charges, medical emergency reunion, doctor’s home visit and nursing care during post hospitalisation, anti rabies vaccination, maternity expenses, infertility expenses, vaccination for children and medical second opinion. Pre-existing Diabetes and/or Hypertension, Outpatient Treatment and Critical Illness are provided as Optional Covers.
- Sum Insured range – Rs.6,00, 000 to Rs.50, 00,000/- over 3 plans (A/B/C)
- Plan A – 5 slabs, 6L to 10L in multiple of 1L
- Plan B – 3 slabs, 15L/ 20L/ 25L
- Plan C – 3 slabs, 30L/ 40L/ 50L
- Policy Term: 1/2/3 years (customer’s choice)
- Entry Age – 18 to 65 years
- Who can be covered – Self, Spouse, Dependent legitimate or legally adopted children, and Parents/parents In-Law.
- Zone wise premium and attractive discounts
- Lines of treatment covered – Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homeopathy (Up to 100% of SI).
- Provision to cover pre-existing diabetes and hypertension on payment of additional premium.
- Room Rent/ICU charges, Medical practitioners, surgeon, anaesthetist, consultants, specialist’s fees and other charges as per limits mentioned in the policy.
- Ambulance (including Air Ambulance) Charges and Organ Donor’s expenses covered up to sub limits mentioned.
- Cataract surgery & Domiciliary Hospitalization (at home) with specified limits mentioned in policy.
- Pre and Post Hospitalization up to 30 days and 60 days respectively for same disease/illness/injury for which Hospitalization occurred.
- 12 Modern treatments like Robotic surgery, oral chemotherapies, immunotherapies and etc., are now covered in the policy.
- Treatment for morbid obesity are now covered after specified waiting periods. (refer policy for complete details)
- Correction of eyesight, i.e., refractive errors above -7.5 D are now covered after specified waiting periods.
- Treatment related to participation as a non-professional in hazardous or adventure sports subject sublimits.
- Mental illness, HIV/AIDS, Genetic disorders are now covered.
- Maternity and New Born Cover (From birth) as per limits specified in the policy.
- Infertility Treatment Cover, Anti-Rabies Vaccination, Vaccination Charges for new-born and children, Medical emergency reunion per limits specified in the policy.
- Hospital Cash Benefit, Doctor’s home visit and nursing care during post hospitalisation payable, as per limits specified in the policy.
- Reinstatement of Sum Insured in case of accidental cases without extra premium.
- Add on covers such as Critical Illness and Out-patient Treatment
- Cashless Facility available at Network Hospitals only through TPA.
- Pre Negotiated Package rates for specific surgeries/procedure in network hospitals
- Life Long Renewability
- Portability (migration) allowed from/to similar products as per IRDAI guidelines.
Please refer to Prospectus for more details.
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Disclaimer
Bank of Baroda is authorized by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to act as a Corporate Agent from 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2025 for procuring or soliciting business of Life insurance, General insurance & Standalone Health insurance under Registration Code CA0004". Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read the sales read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. The purchase of Insurance products by Bank of Baroda customers is purely on a voluntary basis. The insurance products are underwritten by the respective insurance company. Bank of Baroda does not perform any insurance e-commerce activity on its website. The contract of insurance is between the insurer and the insured; and not between the Bank and the Insured.
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Coverage
Why buy National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy:
- High Sum Insured Policy available up to 50 Lakhs for the entire family as per plan opted.
- No Claim Discount of 5% on the base premium
- Attractive Discount for purchasing & renewing policy online.
- Long Term Policy Discount
- Zone Wise Discount on basic premium
- Maternity/Infertility Discount for insured above 45 years of age.
- Air ambulance, Maternity, Medical emergency re-union, Hospital cash benefit, vaccinations for children, Domiciliary hospitalizations
- Optional covers like
- Critical Illness Benefit (per insured person in a policy year) - INR 2,00,000/ 3,00,000/ 5,00,000/ 10,00,000/ 15,00,000/ 20,00,000/ 25,00,000 in addition to the SI
- Outpatient Treatment (as Floater in a policy year) Limit of cover per family - INR 2,000/ 3,000/ 4,000/ 5,000/ 10,000/ 15,000/ 20,000/ 25,000 in addition to the SI
- Health Check Up Facility: Expenses of health check-up once at the end of a block of two policy periods irrespective of claims reported, as per limits in the policy.
- Tax Rebate under Section 80D of Income Tax Act 1961 for premium paid.
Pre Policy Check Up For Whom –
- Proposers aged 40 (forty) years and above or
- irrespective of age, opting for Plan B or Plan C
- opting for Critical Illness optional cover, between the age of 18 (eighteen) years and 65 (sixty five) years
List of Tests/Reports:
- Physical examination (report to be signed by the Doctor with minimum MD (Medicine) qualification)
- HbA1c
- Blood sugar (fasting/ post prandial), HbA1c in some policies
- Lipid profile
- Serum creatinine
- Urine routine and microscopic examination
- Eye check-up (including retinoscopy)
- Any other test required by the company and considered necessary
Note: The date of medical reports should not exceed 30 days prior to the date of proposal. 50% of the expenses incurred for pre policy check-up shall be reimbursed, if the proposal is accepted. Terms and conditions apply.
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Exclusions
- Only claims arising out of accidents are payable for the first 30 days of Inception of the Policy
- All pre-existing diseases included after first thirty six (36) months of Policy
- 90 days, One, Two and Four Years waiting period for specific diseases.
- Change-of-Gender Treatments, Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery, Excluded Providers
- Vitamins, Tonics Drug/alcohol abuse, Self-Inflicted Injury
- Non Prescription Drug, Home visit charges
- Dental treatment (unless arising out of accident and requiring hospitalization) and Out Patient Department treatment (OPD treatment)
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Claims Procedure
How to report a claim?
For Cashless Facility – available only for policies serviced by a Third Party Administrator (TPA)
- Check if the hospital falls under the networked hospitals (Preferred provider network/other network Hospitals), as cashless is available only for empanelled network hospitals of the Company/TPA.
- For planned hospitalisation, intimation is to be sent to the TPA/Company in advance (72 hours prior) with details of Name and address of the hospital and condition requiring hospitalization.
- In case of an emergency hospitalisation, intimation is to be sent to the TPA/Company within 24 hours of admission.
- On admission, a Pre-Authorisation Request for cashless will be sent to the TPA by the hospital – duly signed by the insured and Hospital Authorities giving the details of admission, illness, proposed line of treatment and the estimated expenses. Pre and post hospitalisation expenses can be claimed separately after treatment.
- All documents in original are to be submitted within 15 days to TPA, after completion of Post Hospitalisation treatment.
For Reimbursement Claims:
- Written intimation/mail/fax about hospitalisation is to be sent to TPA /Company within 72 hours of hospitalisation in the case of emergency hospitalisation and 72 hours prior in case of planned admission.
- Before leaving the hospital, Discharge Summary, investigation report and other relevant documents (Claim form – Part A& Part B) may be obtained from the hospital authorities. All the documents in original are to be submitted to TPA / Office within 15 days from date of discharge.
- Pre and post hospitalisation expenses can be claimed separately after treatment.
- All documents in original to be submitted within 15 days after completion of Post Hospitalisation treatment.
For Critical Illness Claims:
- Notice of claim in writing to office within 15 days of diagnosis/procedure
- Documents shall be submitted, along with the completed claim form, at the Policy issuing office within 30 days from the survival period
- Medical practitioner’s certificate confirming diagnosis of the Critical Illness or undergoing the procedure along with the date of diagnosis or undergoing procedure.
- Original discharge summary, if any (Certified copy if original not available)
- Pathological/ radiological/other diagnostic test reports confirming the diagnosis of the Critical Illness.
- Any other document required by the Company in support of the claim
- Survival Period (60 days, 90 days and 6 months for specific critical illnesses)
For Out-patient treatment:
- Claim documents supporting all such outpatient treatments shall be submitted to the TPA/ company twice during the policy period, within 30 (thirty) days of completion of 6 month period.
- The claim is to be supported with the following original documents
- All bills, prescriptions from medical practitioner
- Diagnostic test bills, copy of reports
- Any other documents required by the company
What are the Documents required (originals)?
- Duly filled Claim form issued by insurer (Part A & Part B)
- Bills, payment receipts, medical history of the patient recorded, discharge certificate/ summary from the hospital etc.
- Cash-memo from the hospital (s)/chemist (s) supported by proper prescription
- Payment receipt, investigation test reports etc. supported by the prescription from the attending medical practitioner
- Attending medical practitioner’s certificate regarding diagnosis along with date of diagnosis and bill receipts etc.
- Certificate from the surgeon stating diagnosis and nature of operation and bills/receipts etc.
- For claim under Section Domiciliary Hospitalisation in addition to documents listed above (as applicable), medical certificate stating the circumstances requiring for Domiciliary hospitalisation and fitness certificate from treating medical practitioner.
- For claim under Section Maternity& for surrogacy under Infertility in addition to documents listed above (as applicable), legal affidavit regarding intimation of surrogacy.
- For claim under Medical Emergency Reunion in addition to documents listed above (as applicable), confirmation of the need of family member from attending medical practitioner
- For claim under Reinstatement of Sum Insured due to Road Traffic Accident in addition to documents listed above (as applicable), police investigation report, confirming the road traffic accident.
- Any other document required by company/TPA
National Parivar Mediclaim Plus Policy (Floater Policy) : Important Documents
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