The reliable friend for your family.
Health Companion
Wide Coverage
Health Companion : Benefits
Health Companion : Features
2-year Policy Tenure Option
- When you take a policy for two years, you get 12.5% discount on the second year premium.
Organ Transplant
- Medical expenses for an organ donor’s in-patient treatment for the harvesting of the organ donated is also covered provided the organ is for the use of the insured person.
Domiciliary Treatment
- In case a bed in the hospital is unavailable or on advice of the attending medical practitioner, treatment is administered at home; we pay for medical treatment taken at home, which would otherwise have required hospitalisation. Such treatment should continue for at least 3 consecutive days and confirmation from treating medical practitioner / insured that insured person could not be transferred to the hospital or hospital bed was unavailable, as the case may be.
Vaccination in case of Animal Bite
- We will cover medical expenses of OPD Treatment for vaccinations or immunisations for treatment post an animal bite. This benefit is available only on reimbursement basis. (up to Rs. 2,500 for variant 1; up to Rs. 5,000 for variant 2 and family first; up to Rs. 7,500 for variant 3).
Hospital Cash (Optional)
- A lump sum payment for each 24 hours of hospitalisation in addition to the in-patient treatment benefits is made. To avail this benefit minimum 48 hour of hospitalisation required. This benefit is over and above the sum insured. The benefit is payable for up to 30 days of hospitalisation. No payment shall be made under this, in case of domiciliary hospitalisation. (Rs. 1,000/day for variant 1; Rs. 2,000/day for variant 2; Rs. 4,000/day for variant 3; Rs. 1,000/day or Rs. 2,000/day for family first)
Tax Benefit
- You will save tax under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act when you buy a Max Bupa health insurance policy. Tax benefits are subject to changes in the tax laws, please consult your tax advisor for more details.
Assured Policy Renewal for Life
- Once insured with us, you will always remain our customers subject to continued payment of premium. We assure you renewability for life with no extra loadings based on your claim history.
Direct Claim Settlement
- We believe you should focus on the treatment of your loved ones rather than running after claim settlement. Therefore, all claims are processed directly by our own customer services team.
Cashless Facility
- You can access cashless facility at your nearest network hospital.
Free Look Period
- We endeavour for transparency and complete satisfaction and therefore, our policies are transparent and easy to understand. If you are not satisfied, we provide a 15-day free look period within which you can cancel your plan stating the reason.
Information at your fingertips
- As a Max Bupa policyholder you can access your details on our website containing your claims history, your favourite health information, your health profile, including records of tests you may have taken while enrolling with us.
- Benefits will not be available for pre-existing diseases until 48 months of continuous coverage from first policy start date for Variant 1 and 36 months of continuous coverage from first policy start date for Variant 2, Variant 3 and family first.
- Some conditions will be subject to a waiting period of 24 months and will be covered in the third policy year only.
- We will not cover treatment during the first 30 days of the policy, unless the treatment needed is a result of an accident occurring during the policy period.This waiting period does not apply for renewal Policy.
Permanent Exclusions
- Ancillary hospital charges
- Hazardous activities
- Artificial life maintenance
- Behavioural, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders
- Circumcision
- Complementary and alternative medicine
- Conflict and disaster
- External congenital anomaly
- Convalescence and rehabilitation
- Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
- Eyesight and optical services
- Experimental/investigational or unproven treatment
- HIV, aids, and related complex
- Hospitalisation not justified
- Inconsistent, irrelevant or incidental diagnostic procedures
- Mental and psychiatric conditions
- Non-medical expenses
- OPD treatment
- Obesity and weight control programs
- Off- label drug or treatment
- Puberty and menopause related disorders
- Reproductive medicine and other maternity expenses: any assessment or treatment method
- Robotic assisted surgery, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) & light based treatment
- Sexually transmitted infections & diseases
- Sleep disorders
- Substance related and addictive disorders
- Unlawful activity
- Treatment received outside India
- Unrecognized physician or hospital
- Any costs or expenses specified in the list of expenses generally excluded at Annexure II of policy wording
- For complete list of exclusions, please refer policy terms and conditions.
Health Companion : Eligibility
Health Companion can be issued to an individual customer, a family (family floater) and/or extended family (family first).
We cover families across life stages from new born (at least 90 days) to senior citizens of any age. There is no maximum age for enrolment.
The maximum entry age of any dependent as a child in a family floater policy is less than 21 years
If any insured person who is a child and has completed age 21 years at the time of renewal in a family floater policy, then such insured person will have to take a separate policy
Health Companion : Wide Coverage
Individual & Family floater sum Insured Options:
- Variant 1: Rs. 3 Lakhs and Rs. 4 Lakhs
- Variant 2: Rs. 5 Lakhs, Rs. 7.5 Lakhs, Rs. 10 Lakhs and Rs. 12.5 Lakhs
- Variant 3: Rs. 15 Lakhs, Rs. 20 Lakhs Rs. 30 Lakhs, Rs. 50 Lakhs and Rs. 1 Crore
Family first sum Insured Options
- Individual base sum insured: Rs. 1 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lakhs, Rs. 3 Lakhs, Rs. 4 Lakhs, Rs. 5 Lakhs and Rs. 10 Lakhs
- Floater base sum insured: Rs. 3 Lakhs, Rs. 4 Lakhs, Rs. 5 Lakhs, Rs. 10 Lakhs, Rs. 15 Lakhs and Rs. 20 Lakhs
Top up with annual aggregate deductible option of Rs. 1 Lakh, Rs. 2 Lakhs, Rs. 3 Lakhs, Rs. 4 Lakhs, Rs. 5 Lakhs and Rs. 10 Lakhs
Health Companion : Disclaimer
Bank of Baroda is authorized by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to act as a Corporate Agent from 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2025 for procuring or soliciting business of Life insurance, General insurance & Standalone Health insurance under Registration Code CA0004". Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read the sales read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. The purchase of Insurance products by Bank of Baroda customers is purely on a voluntary basis. The insurance products are underwritten by the respective insurance company. Bank of Baroda does not perform any insurance e-commerce activity on its website. The contract of insurance is between the insurer and the insured; and not between the Bank and the Insured.
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