Bank announces Financial Results for quarter ended, 31st December 2024.
With Bank Of Baroda personal loan, you get lowest interest rates, instant approval with minimal documentation. Checkout Bank of Baroda personal loan interest rates & eligibility. Apply now!
Apply for Bank of Baroda Home Loan online at the lowest interest rates. Checkout our home loan eligibility, interest rates, documentation. Get instant home loan approval. Apply now!
Car Loan: Apply for auto loan online by Bank of Baroda at an attractive interest rates & easy EMI option. Upto 90% financing on on-road price. Buy your dream car today!
Why should finance come in the way of future? Getting an education loan is an easy way to finance your dreams. A student loan can help you get into the university of your choice. Bank of Baroda is here to finance your dreams, education & career goals.
The easiest way to save for you, for your loved ones, and for your future. A savings account gives you the liberty to choose according to your needs and additionally give you benefits for all your transactions. With a gamut of savings account features on the table, Bank of Baroda is here to make your banking simple and easy!
Open Current Account online at Bank of Baroda to meet all your banking needs. Go to our website to learn more about the different types of current accounts we offer and apply now!
Bank of Baroda deposit plans offer convenient solutions to both working individuals as well as senior citizens. These deposits are categorised into deposits with a term period of less than 12 months, more than 12 months and recurring deposits.
An account for all. B3 Silver Account comes with maximum savings and zero Quarterly Average Balance (QAB). Also, make the most of coins and annual offers from Loyalty Rewardz to fulfill yearlong subscriptions and shopping.
Locate Us, Anytime, Anywhere
Bank of Baroda focuses on its employees, offering a career rather than just a job. Various initiatives are in place to groom employees throughout their life cycle. A comprehensive talent management system to groom future leaders of the bank.
Bank of Baroda offers various types of personal banking cards such as Credit, Debit, Prepaid, Business & Travel Cards. Choose the one best suited card for your needs.
All the officers from JMGS I to TEGS VIII grade of the bank, working in branches and offices have certain discretionary lending and administrative powers depending upon their positions. The Board decides the delegation of such powers of various grades of officials. These powers are revised periodically, depending upon the organization’s requirement and also Government / RBI guidelines . Bank being commercial organisation powers and duties vary according to the placement of officers/employees, grade/scale, post held , job assigned and need of organization; in order to achieve business goal and securing satisfactory quality customer service ,which are summarised in the links given below. Whether to sanction a loan or not, is the absolute discretion of the concerned sanctioning authority of the bank and such discretion is exercised, after taking into consideration the relevant facts and circumstances of each case
There are quite a number of documents like manuals , book of instructions, codified circulars, scheme of delegation of powers, proceedings of the board etc. And also the periodical circulars, used by the employees for discharging various functions.(These are all meant for internal circulation and can not be shared with public) However, certain information is available as follows:
Provision to seek consultation/participation of public or its representatives for formulation of policies - Policy
A directory of officers and employees with cadre, place of posting, gross monthly emoluments may be seen in following link. Efforts are made to keep the same updated from time to time.
Scales of Pay of Officers : Scale I = Rs.48480 - 2000/7 - 62480 - 2340/2 - 67160 - 2680/7 - 85920 Scale II =Rs.64820 - 2340/1 - 67160 - 2680/10 - 93960 Scale III = Rs. 85920 - 2680/5 - 99320 - 2980/2 - 105280 Scale IV =Rs.102300 - 2980/4 - 114220 - 3360/2 - 120940 Scale V = Rs.120940 - 3360/2 - 127660 - 3680/2 - 135020 Scale VI = Rs.140500 - 4000/4 - 156500 Scale VII = Rs.156500 - 4340/4 - 173860 Scale VIII = Rs.2,53,000 - 9,000/4 - 2,89,000 Clerical Staff : Rs.24050- 1340/3 - 28070- 1650/3 - 33020 - 2000/4 - 41020 - 2340/7 - 57400 - 4400/1 - 61800 - 2680/1 - 64480 [20 Years] Subordinate Staff : Rs.19500- 665/4 - 22160- 830/5 - 26310 - 990/4 - 30270 - 1170/3 - 33780 - 1345/3 - 37815 [20 Years]
There are no subsidy programmes or plans for lending activities of the Bank as a whole, except for targets for priority sector lending. There are different schemes for advances of the Bank and the terms and conditions are already available in the Bank's website.
However all govt. sponsored schemes/ Programmes are being implemented in true spirit by the bank for the public benefit and being monitored by bank's financial inclusion dept. Bank is acting as channel to provide govt. subsidies to the public.
The public can approach the Public Information Officer for information regarding banking products for details of which are not available in the website.
The list of toll free no/ Telephone no has already been published on the website. The public can approach the nearest CPIOs for any further information. The list of CPIOs are given below:
Public can also refer to the caption “ Customer Care ’ on Bank’s website for getting detailed information regarding helplines/Toll free no, available on Bank of Baroda website for public reference.
This information is updated quarterly.
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The use of any of the Insurance’s tie up partners website is subject to the terms of use and other terms and guidelines, if any, contained within tie up partners website.
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