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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I use the Baroda M CLIP wallet account when I am traveling abroad?

    The Baroda M CLIP wallet Mobile Account has been currently enabled for use only in India. You can certainly use Baroda M CLIP wallet with these merchants from anywhere in the world.

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  • I maintain an account with Bank of Baroda at other than the base branch. Can I avail BCR services?

    Yes, you can avail the services even if you are not maintaining the account at the base branch. For more information and details on procedure of availing the service, contact the branch manager of the base branch.

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  • What is the age limit for Skill Loan Scheme?

    There is no specific restriction with regard to the age of the student to be eligible for Baroda skill Loan

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  • how to get a car loan?

    You can apply for Car Loan through any of the below mentioned modes-(1) Branch [you can find our nearest Branch through Branch Locator available on our website (2) Car Loan Processing Cells avialble at Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bareilly & Patna (3) Online application through - our website (4) Through missed call at 8467001133 (5) by calling Toll Free No. 1800 5700 & 1800 5000 (6) SMS AL Space (Name) to 8422009988 (7) if you are existing customer of the Bank, you can also apply using Mobile Banking (BOB WORLD) & Net Banking facility.

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  • Is collateral security required?

    No collaterals/third-party guarantee for loans up to Rs. 100 lakhs which are covered under CGTMSE. For other accounts which are not covered under CGTMSE, the Bank may stipulate collaterals as per Bank’s guidelines.

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  • Who can have?
    • All savings bank, super savings bank, current account (sole proprietorship & individuals) and OD account against LIC/NSC/FD customers, including NRI customers.
    • Minors of 15 years of age and above maintaining savings account singly.
    • Savings bank customers having joint accounts provided operating instructions are ‘payable to either or survivor’

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  • Whether the card can be reloaded/top-up available?

    Baroda Gift Card is a single load card. Top-up is not permitted as per current Reserve Bank of India guideline..

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  • How to Apply for a Credit Card?

    In 3 simple steps:

    1. Complete the e-application
    2. Aadhaar-based e-signature
    3. Confirm with video KYC

    You can also visit any of your nearest Bank of Baroda branches.

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  • Is permission of Reserve Bank required for NRIs to invest in proprietary/partnership concerns on non-repatriation basis?

    No. Reserve Bank has granted general permission to NRIs to invest by ways of capital contribution in any proprietary or partnership concern in India on a non-repatriation basis, provided the investee’s concern is not engaged in any agricultural/plantation activity or real estate business. This facility is, however, not available to OCBs.

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  • What are the limits and how to increase them?

    For IMPS/NEFT, per day limits is Rs. 2 Lakhs (Rs. 50,000 per transaction)

    For Third-Party, per day limit is Rs. 1 Lakh (Rs. 50,000 per transaction)

    No limit on self-linked accounts.

    In case of requirement of higher limits, register for Baroda Connect (Internet Banking) through m-Connect+. .

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  • Do Banks levy any service charge for use of other Bank ATMs?

    No charges are payable for using other Banks’ ATM for cash withdrawal and balance enquiry, as RBI has made it free under its ‘Free ATM access policy’ since 01/04/2009. But banks can restrict the number of such free transactions to a maximum of five per month. For transactions beyond this minimum number of transaction, Banks charge maximum of Rs. 20 per transaction.

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  • What are the essential services available under Mobile Banking?

    Fund transfer (Within Bank/NEFT/IMPS/PPF/SSA).

    Recharge (mobile/DTH/Recharge)

    Bill Payment (Electricity/Gas/Water/Telecom/Insurance/Tax/Credit Card)

    Cash on Mobile (Withdrawal of cash from ATM without ATM Card).

    Various other services such as are also available for customers to fully utilise the Mobile Banking channel.http://www.archive.bankofbaroda.in/writereaddata/images/pdf/Services-Offered-04-01-2019.pdf

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  • Is the capital brought into India for the revival of the sick industrial unit allowed to be repatriated?


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  • What documents are required for partial withdrawal of funds from NPS account for treatment of COVID-19?

    Medical certificate and formal request for partial withdrawal are required for partial withdrawal of funds for treatment of COVID-19.

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  • Are there any government schemes specific to MSME/Start Ups under which Banks extend loan?

    Government has launched various scheme to promote MSME/Startup. Some of which are:

    • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
    • Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for Technology Upgradation
    • Stand Up India
    • SIDBI Make in India Soft Loan Fund for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (SMILE)
    • Social Innovation Programme For Products: Affordable and Relevant to Societal Health (SPARSH)

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  • What will be the contents of the Gift Card welcome kit?

    Bank of Baroda Gift Card is offered in a sealed welcome kit which contains a Gift Card, PIN mailer and user guide. We recommend the purchaser ensure that a sealed cover is delivered to them.

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  • Whether I have to pay any processing fee or any additional charges under resolution framework?

    No processing charges are applicable under resolution framework. However, any out of pocket expenses for invocation and implementation (if any) to be borne by you. An additional interest of 0.35% p.a. on secured loans and 0.50% p.a. on unsecured loans will be applicable over and above your current Rate of interest for the remaining period of the loan.

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  • How many transactions for current account holders at other bank’s ATM machine are free?

    No transactions are free.

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  • Where can this card be used?
    • At the Bank's ATMs.
    • The Bank of Baroda International Debit Card is accepted at over 32,000 Visa Electron ATMs in India and 10,00,000 ATMs worldwide. The card is also accepted at any 35,0000 merchant outlets in India and around 29 million globally. The card enables you to enjoy the convenience of cashless purchasing power without the fear of overdrawing your account.
    • At more than 7,000 POS registered with Bobcards Ltd.

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