A small saving today leads to greater happiness tomorrow!

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  • bob Utsav Deposit Scheme

    Bob Utsav Deposit Scheme: Earn up to 7.95% p.a. on 400-day term deposits, with special rates for seniors. Limited-time offer!

    • The product will be called – “bob Utsav Deposit Scheme”.
    • The Products will be made available in Retail Term Deposits Schemes only.
    • Citizen and Super Senior Citizens Preferential Rate is applicable only for “Resident Indian Sr. Citizen and Super Senior Citizens (aged 80 and Above)”.
  • baroda tax savings term deposit Thumbnail

    bob Tax Saving Fixed Deposit Account

    Invest for long and get more on our Term deposit. Make your return immune to interest rate fluctuation, Baroda Tax Savings Term Deposit Account. Beneficial rates for senior citizens.

    • Minimum amount shall be & in multiples of Rs. 100
    • Minimum 5 years, Maximum up to 10 years
  • bob Liquid FD Thumbnail

    bob Liquid Fixed Deposits Scheme

    A product offering a combination of competitive interests as well as easy liquidity. Get the best of both, long-term as well as short-term deposit plans.

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 5000
    • Minimum 12 months, Maximum 60 months
  • Baroda Monthly Income Plan Thumbnail

    Monthly Income Plan (MIP)

    Monthly Income Plan is a fixed deposit plan that pays monthly interest to give you a fixed income every month to meet your expenses. You can invest funds that are lying idle in a regular monthly income plan that will provide a degree of income certainty every month.

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 1000
    • Minimum 12 months, Maximum 120 months
  • Baroda Deposits Account Thumbnail

    Motor Accident Claims Annuity Deposit (MACAD)

    This scheme aims to facilitate the claimants of victims of road accidents to place the funds received, as per court orders under (MACAD) Scheme. The annuity amount on monthly basis net of TDS will be credited.

    • Prevailing rate of interest as per Tenure. Additional interest payment (0.50%) feature to senior citizen.
    • Monthly statements: Free (once in a calendar month)
  • Baroda Regular Income Plan Thumbnail

    Quarterly Income Plan (QIP)

    Provides you the comfort of liquidity along with a security of your money being in safe hands. Does not demand any extra formalities enabling you to withdraw as much as 95% of the deposit amount.

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 1000
    • Minimum 12 months, Maximum 120 months
  • Baroda Deposits Account Thumbnail

    bob Regular Income cum Recurring Deposit (RIRD)

    Enjoy an increasing rate of interest with longer periods of deposit. Compound interest ensures that your savings grow faster. Overdraw your account by way of a pre-issued cheque of up to 95% of your deposits.

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 1000
    • Minimum 12 months, maximum 120 months
  • Baroda Short Deposits Thumbnail

    bob Short Term Deposits

    An ideal option for all transitory savings to meet the requirements. A scheme for high return on your savings even for a short period of less than 1 year.

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 1000
    • Minimum period of deposits 7 days
  • baroda advantage fixed deposits non callable Thumbnail

    bob Advantage Fixed Deposits (Non- Callable)

    • Minimum deposit: Rs. 1,00,01,000
    • Minimum tenure: 12 months, Maximum tenure: 120 months

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is meant by "fixed deposit"?

    The amount of the fixed deposit is determined by you. You can keep your money for a few days to several years. A fixed rate of interest in exchange for locking in these funds is credited to your account. When the term ends, you receive the invested principal amount plus maturity interest.

  • Which type of FD is best?

    Fixed deposits that provide tax exemption under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act are the most popular. The lock-in period of an FD with 5 years. Investing in this FD will provide an annual tax relief of Rs 1.5 lakhs.

  • What is the interest rate of 1 lakh in a fixed deposit?

    Please refer to our “interest rates and service charges" by clicking here.

  • What is a fixed deposit and how does it work?

    A long-term investment instrument where you have the power to select tenure and receive interest until maturity. The interest rates are comparatively higher than savings accounts with longer periods of deposit and with quarterly compounding and reinvestment of interest. The Quarterly Income Plan is customised for those individuals who regularly need money to supplement their income every quarter.

    • Compounding returns are available as cumulative fixed deposits upon maturity and are ideal for those who want to save for a specific purpose.
    • Periodic returns are possible with a non-cumulative fixed deposit for citizens looking for a regular income from your savings. This FD is ideal for senior citizens. The interest earned is liable to TDS.
  • What is the benefit of a fixed deposit?

    The following are the benefits of fixed deposits:

    • Guaranteed rate of return
    • Tax threshold for interest
    • Flexible tenure
    • Easy liquidation
    • Loans against fixed deposits.
  • Is a fixed deposit no risk?

    Fixed deposits offer guaranteed returns, making them a popular choice. Bank fixed deposits are low risk, whereas corporate fixed deposits are high interest but higher risk.

  • In how many years will FD double?

    The 72 years rule is used to calculate the value of the FD to double.

    Divide the highest rate by 72. If the highest rate of the FD is 6.05%, your FD will double. With this basic formula, 72/6.05 = 11.99.
    It will take less than 12 years for the FD to double.

  • Can I open an FD for 3 months?

    FD tenure varies from seven days to ten years. The period, once fixed, cannot be changed once the term deposit starts to roll. The minimum deposit is Rs. 1000 and there is no limit to the maximum deposit. Therefore, a three-month FD can be opened safely with us.

  • Can I withdraw FD interest monthly?

    Yes, FD interest can be withdrawn on a monthly basis. The Baroda Regular Income Plan is a monthly income plan designed for people who need money to supplement their income on a regular basis, i.e., each month. Under this scheme, interest on deposits is paid on a monthly basis. Deposit interest becomes another source of income.

  • How can I withdraw money from a fixed deposit?

    You can withdraw the fixed deposit by:

    1. Applying for a withdrawal by putting the request for the closure of the FD on maturity via a branch.
    2. If the FD had been made online, it can be withdrawn through online banking or internet banking.
  • What is the minimum time for FD?

    The minimum FD tenure is 7 days.

  • What happens to FD after maturity?

    Matured fixed deposits are treated by banks in two ways.

    • If the customer requests auto renewal at the time of opening the FD, the FD is automatically renewed for the original term or for one year depending on the term.
    • If the customer requests auto closure at the time of FD opening, the principal and interest are automatically liquidated and transferred to the account of the account holder.
  • Can I break the FD before its maturity?

    You will have to pay a penalty of 1% of the applicable rate or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, in cases where you are subject to charging an ageing penalty.
    There will be no penalty for premature payment of deposits up to Rs 5 lacs if they have been held with the bank for a minimum of 12 months.

  • Can the deposit be made in a joint name?

    Yes, FDs can be opened by more than one person, jointly.

  • What if one loses the FD Receipt?

    After submitting the necessary documents to the base branch, a duplicate FDR can be issued.

  • Can a duplicate FDR be issued after transferable between branches or banks?

    FDs are transferable from one branch to another of the same bank. You must contact the branch manager of your bank where your FD was made and apply with a written request for transfer along with the FD receipt. Once the account is verified, the account will be transferred to your requested branch.
    FDs cannot be transferred from one bank to another bank. In such a situation, you will be required to prematurely close the FD with the bank and open a fresh FD with another bank.

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