Mortgage Loan EMI Calculator
Mortgage Loan EMI Calculator
  • Loan Amount:

  • Rate of Interest (%):

  • Loan Terms (monthly):

  • Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) will be

  • Benefits
  • Features
  • Eligibility
  • Interest rates & charges
  • Documents Required
  • Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

Baroda Mortgage Loan : Features

  • Resident Individual and NRIs are eligible to avail Mortgage Loan
  • Longer loan period upto 180 months
  • Minimum Loan limit is Rs.2.00 lacs
  • Maximum Loan limit is Rs.25.00 crores (in metro cities)
  • Mortgage Loan is available as loan and overdraft. NRIs will be granted loan only.
  • Loan can be availed against residential and commercial property

Takeover of loan of individuals under Baroda Mortgage loan without obtaining income document

Loan of individuals under Baroda Mortgage loan can be taken over without obtaining income document, subject to compliance of following conditions:-

  • Maximum loan to be taken over up to Rs.2 Crores.
  • Loan to individuals only allowed.
  • Against security of Residential and commercial property only.
  • Minimum cut off CIBIL Score must be 750 ( If more than one applicant is there, average of Bureau scores of the applicants (whose income are considered for eligibility), to be considered.
  • Minimum 18 EMIs must have been paid with existing lender.
  • Equitable Mortgage of the primary security has been created with the existing lender & possession of underlying security should have been obtained by the borrower.
  • Satisfactory repayment behavior of the Borrower
  • (No EMI in last 12 months exceeded 30 Days past Due).

  • Primary security of Mortgage Loan (to be taken over) is not extended to secure any other credit facility other than the existing Mortgage loan.

EMI of proposed Mortgage Loan (with or without increase) should remain upto the extent of EMI of loan to be taken over from existing lender.

  • Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm, Private Ltd. Company , Unlisted Public Limited companies & LLP are eligible
  • Longer loan period upto 180 months
  • Minimum Loan limit is Rs.5.00 lacs
  • Maximum Loan limit is Rs. 25.00 crores (in metro cities)
  • Loan can be availed against residential, commercial or industrial property.

Baroda Mortgage Loan : Eligibility









Resident Indians:

  • Salaried/Professional, Self Employed, Business persons, Agriculturists & Others, (whose income is considered for eligibility) should be employed /engaged in business/profession for a minimum period of -3- years.
  • (Break in service can be allowed up to a maximum period of -3- months)
  • Minimum Gross Annual Income (GAI) (average of last -3- years’) (inclusive of co-applicant/s’, whose income is considering for eligibility): Rs. 3 Lacs


  • Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) holding Indian passport having a regular job abroad in a reputed Indian / foreign company, organization or government department.
  • Must be holding a valid job contract / work permit for minimum past -2- years for employed / self-employed or having a business unit and staying abroad at least for past   -2- years.
  • Minimum Gross Annual Income (GAI) (average of last -3- years’) (inclusive of co-applicant/s’, whose income is considering for eligibility): Rs. 5 Lacs.

 If the applicant / co applicant/s, whose income is considering for eligibility includes both Resident and NRI, Minimum Gross Annual Income put together should be Rs.5 Lacs (inclusive of co-applicant/s’, whose income is considering for eligibility)

Addition of  co-applicants:

The close relatives of the applicant can be added as a co-applicant for higher eligibility, with or without being an owner/ joint owner of the property.

If the applicant wants to add any person who is not a close relative as co-applicant, same can be considered subject to he/ she should be the owner / joint owner of the property, offered as collateral.

In case, if the income of owner/ joint-owner/s of property are not considered for eligibility, he/she should be made as an applicant / co-applicant. In such cases, upper age criteria/ employment criteria will not be applicable for these applicant/ co-applicants.

List of Close Relatives:

Spouse, Father, Mother (including Step Mother), Son (including Step Son), Son’s wife, Daughter (including Step Daughter, Daughter’s husband, Brother / Sister (including Step Brother / Sister), Brother’s wife, Sister (including step sister) of spouse, Sister’s husband, Brother (including step brother) of spouse.


Minimum  -  21 years

Maximum -   60 years

(Applicant’s/Co-borrowers’ age + Loan tenure should not exceed retirement age for salaried class &  65 years for NRIs & others)


  • For any purpose except for financial speculation of any nature.
  • Purchase of Commercial Property*
  • Proposals from persons engaged in Real Estate Developments, Property Dealers / Brokers, Share / Stock Brokers and Persons engaged in speculative activities should not be considered.

*terms & conditions apply.









Non-Individual Entities:

  • Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm, Private Ltd. Company, LLP
  • The Firm/ Company should have been established in the line of activity for a minimum period of 3 years.
  • Minimum turnover as per latest audited balance sheet must be Rs.1.00 Crs.
  • The Firm/ Company must be profit making (Cash Profit) for the last three years.
  • HUF, Trust, Society & Public limited companies are not eligible

 In case of applicants who have not availed any credit facility from other Banks, they should bank exclusively with us and should also not maintain any current account with other banks.

In case of applicants who have availed any credit facility from other Banks, possibility to be explored to take over the same from other Bank, while considering the existing proposal.

An unlisted Public Limited Company can avail loan under Baroda Mortgage Loan Scheme on following conditions:

  • Only unlisted companies to be considered wherein, more than 50% shareholding should be by individual (self or jointly with friends and close relatives). In case of non-individual shareholders, this condition to be satisfied in shareholding/ownership of such non-individual entity/ies.
  • Availability of personal guarantee of individual/s having at least 50% beneficial ownership in the company (self or jointly with friends and close relatives).



  • For any purpose except for financial speculation of any nature.
  • Purchase of Commercial Property*
  • Proposals from persons engaged in Real Estate Developments, Property Dealers / Brokers, Share / Stock Brokers and Persons engaged in speculative activities should not be considered.

*terms & conditions apply.

Co-Applicant/ Guarantor

Following individuals have to stand either as co-applicant or as guarantor:

  • In case of Partnership Firm, all partners of Partnership Firm/ LLP Firm.
  • In case of Company, Promoter Director/s and Shareholders having shareholding 20% and above.
  • Close relatives of the Proprietor/ Partners/ Promoter Director/ Director/ Shareholders-(having shareholding 20% and above), providing immovable property as security.  

List of Close Relatives:
Spouse, Father, Mother (including Step Mother), Son (including Step Son), Son’s wife, Daughter (including Step Daughter), Daughter’s husband, Brother / Sister (including Step Brother / Sister), Brother’s wife, Sister’s husband, Sister (including step sister) of spouse, Brother (including step brother) of spouse.

Baroda Mortgage Loan : Interest rates & charges


Floating Rates:

Product Conditions Repo Rate + Spread Effective Rate of Interest*
Baroda Mortgage Loan - Individuals
Tenor up to 120 Months
Up to Rs. 7.5 crore
Repo Rate + Spread
FROM BRLLR + SP + 0.55% TO BRLLR + SP + 6.35% (As per Risk Rating of the applicant/s.)
Effective Rate of Interest*
From 9.70% to 15.50%


  • Additional 0.25% above card rates for Tenor above 120 months.
  • Additional 0.25% for above Rs. 7.50 crores.
  • Additional 0.50% for Overdraft facility.
  • In case of loan tenor is above 120 months and facility above Rs. 7.50 crores, the applicable ROI will be 0.50% above card rates.
    In case of OD Limit, the applicable ROI will be 1.00% above card rates.
  • Concession of 0.25% p.a. in applicable ROI- Baroda Mortgage Loan availed under special takeover scheme.

Interest rates are valid till 31-03-2025.


Floating Rates:

Parameters Repo Rate + Spread Present effective ROI
Tenor up to 120 Months and facility upto Rs. 7.50 crores
Above 50% BRLLR + SP + 0.75% 9.90%
Up to 50% BRLLR + SP + 1.55% 10.70%


  • Additional 0.25% above card rates for Tenor above 120 months.
  • Additional 0.25% for above Rs. 7.50 crores.
  • Additional 0.50% for Overdraft facility.
  • In case of loan tenor is above 120 months and facility above Rs. 7.50 crores, the applicable ROI will be 0.50% above card rates.
    In case of OD Limit, the additional pricing for tenor will not be applicable

Interest rates are valid till 31-03-2025.

Service Charges (Excluding GST) w.e.f. 20/06/2019

TL: 1%

*Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property

*Maximum: Rs 1,50,000/-


Upto Rs 3.00 Crores: 0.35%

*Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property

*Maximum: Rs 75,000/-

Above Rs 3.00 Crores: 0.25%

*Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property

*Maximum: No Limit

Baroda Mortgage Loan : Documents Required

List of Documents to be submitted by the Applicant/s

In case of Individuals
  • Application Form duly filled and signed by applicant/guarantor
  • (Separate Form No. 135 is not required)

  • Two Passport Size Photograph of applicant/co-applicant/guarantor.
  • Bank A/c Statement for last 6 months.
  • Personal Identification Proof (Any one)
    1. Photo Identity Card issued by present employer
    2. Electoral I-Card
    3. Passport
    4. Driving License
    5. PAN Card
    6. Aadhar Card
  • Residential address Proof (Any one)
  • Residential address Proof (Any one)
    1. Electricity Bill
    2. Telephone Bill (Land Line)
    3. Electoral/Voters ID Card
    4. Passport
    5. For Salaried Class:
  • Residential address Proof (Any one)
    1. Latest salary slips for the last 3 months with break up and duly attested by the employer and countersigned by the applicant.
    2. Income Tax Returns along with Form No. 16 for last 3 years.
  • For Agriculturists:
    1. Income certificate from appropriate authority like Tehsildar/SDO/BDO etc.
  • For Others:
    1. Income Tax Returns for last 3 years duly acknowledged by income tax authorities.
  • For Self Employed/ Professional:
    1. Balance sheets and profit & loss accounts of the business/profession along with copies of individual income-tax returns for the last three years, certified by a chartered accountant.
    2. A note giving information on the nature of business /profession, form of organization, clients, suppliers etc.

    In case of Non-Individuals
  • Board Resolution ( in case of Company)
  • latest -3- years audited Balance sheet & Profit & Loss account
  • Details of existing banking relationship with our Bank/other Banks
  • Loan /Overdraft facility (FB &NFB) details with other Banks if any
  • Individual tax returns of the Partners/Directors/Proprietor etc.
  • Place of Business/Nature of Business/Line of Activity etc.
  • Details of Associate Concerns

  • In case of NRIs:
    • Copy of the employment Contract (If the contract is in any language other than English, the same has to be translated into English and attested by Employer / Indian Embassy).
    • For Salaried:
      1. Certified copy of the latest salary slips for the past 6 months.
    • For Self Employed/ Professional:
      1. Balance sheets and profit & loss accounts of the business/profession along with copies of individual income-tax returns for the last three years, certified by a chartered accountant.
      2. A note giving information on the nature of business /profession, form of organization, clients, suppliers etc.
    • Copy of the Identity card issued by the current Employer.
    • Copy of latest work permit.
    • Copy of the Visa stamped on the passport.
    • NRE Bank accounts pass book or statement of account.
    • Overseas Bank Account Statement for the last 6 months.
    • Bio-data covering educational qualifications, age, job experience, nature of profession/ business etc., with necessary proof.
    • Guarantor forms along with net worth proof / income proof.
    • Undertaking from the employer for remittance of monthly installment, wherever feasible, if stipulated in the sanction.
    • A salary certificate / income statement duly attested by our foreign office (including subsidiary office) or certified by the competent authority available in the country may be produced. This may also include Chartered / Certified Accountants, officials of Inland Revenue Dept. (similar to Income Tax Authorities in India) or any other agency specified for the purpose. Wherever attestation is not possible, this may be submitted duly notarized.

    Property Related Documents:

  • Original title deeds of the property offered for mortgage along with complete chain of title deeds
  • Latest maintenance, Water Tax, Municipal Tax and any other such taxes paid receipt.
  • Non-encumbrance letter from Co-op Society (wherever applicable)
  • Permission to create Equitable Mortgage from society / Development Authorities. (wherever applicable)
  • Confirmation of society that Bank’s lien on society records is noted. (wherever applicable)
  • Any other documents specified by Bank’s panel advocate in the legal opinion/ title clearance report.

Baroda Mortgage Loan : Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

  • Eligibility:-
  • Individuals: - Salaried Employees/ Professional, Self Employed & Others who are income tax assesses for a minimum of last 3 years.
  • Age:
    1. Minimum: 21 years
    2. Maximum: 60 years
  • Purpose :-
    1. For any purpose except for financial speculation of any nature.
    2. Proposals from persons engaged in Real Estate Developments, Property Dealers /Brokers, Share / Stock Brokers and persons engaged in any Speculative activity shall not be considered.
  • Type of facility:-
    1. Term Loan / Demand Loan
    2. Overdraft
  • Margin:
    Nature of property Margin on Realizable Value
    Residential 25%
    Commercial 35%
    Industrial 50%
    Others (Non Agricultural properties) 50%
  • Security :-
    1. Mortgage of Immovable Properties:
    2. Residential Property (House / Flat)
    3. Commercial property (Building / Land & Building)
    4. Plot of Land (not agricultural land)
  • Limit :-  

    Minimum: Rs. 2.00 lacs

    Location of Property Max. Limit (Rs. In Crs.)
    Metro 25.00
    Urban 10.00
    Semi Urban 5.00
    Rural 0.25
  • Repayment Period :-
    1. Term Loan : -180- months
    2. Overdraft : -12- months; subject to annual review
  • Repayment Capacity :-

    For All category of borrowers:

    1. NMI up to Rs.75,000/- : 50%
    2. NMI above Rs.75,000/- to Rs.3.00 Lacs : 60%
    3. NMI above Rs.3.00 Lacs : 70% (For Doctors and practicing Chartered Accountants – 75% to 80%)
  • Unified Processing Charges :-

    Bank has revised the unified processing charges and modified method of recovering processing charges as under:

    1. The unified processing charges will include:
      1. Processing Charges
      2. Documentation Charges
      3. Document Verification/vetting charges
      4. Pre-sanction Inspection (Contact Point Verification-CPV) charges
      5. One time post inspection charges
      6. Advocate charges for legal opinion
      7. Valuer charges for valuation
      8. Bureau report charges
      9. CERSAI charges
      10. ITR verification charges
    2. For Mortgage Loans, certain minimum amount of processing charges will be recovered upfront. Balance amount of processing charges will be recovered at the time of conveying sanction of the loan.
    3. Further, stamp duty payable on various loan documents/agreements as well as for equitable mortgage shall be recovered separately on actual basis.
  • The revised unified processing charges for Mortgage Loans is as under:
  • TL:
    1. 1%  Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: Rs.1,50,000/-  
  • OD: 
    1. Upto Rs.3.00 Crores: 0.35% Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: Rs.75,000/- 
    2. Above Rs.3.00 Crores: 0.25% Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: No Limit
  • Review Charges:
    1. No charges on Review in case of Term Loan / Demand Loan accounts.
    2. In case of Overdraft accounts, the processing charges as mentioned above to be recovered
    3. For Overdrafts accounts, processing charges are on per annum basis, i.e.  if  a  proposal  is  reviewed  after  six  months  from  the  due  date  for  a  further  period  of  12  months,  processing  charges  are  to  be  levied  for  18  months.
    4. In case of review with enhancement, the review charges to be taken for entire amount of limit including enhanced portion.
    5. However, if the enhancement is before the due date of next review, processing charges to be taken for the proportionate period for the existing limit and full processing charges to be taken for the enhanced portion.
  • Eg: Sanctioned/ last reviewed on : 01.01.2016 for Rs.50 Lacs

    Enhancement to Rs.60 Lacs on     : 30.06.2016

    Processing Charges to be calculated as under:

    For Rs. 50 Lacs: Proportionate charges for 6 months

    For Rs.10 Lacs : Full processing charges

    ** The above upfront charges considered as if only one property is offered as security. If two or more properties are offered as security, Rs.8,500/- per additional property would be applicable as upfront charges in addition to minimum upfront charges as mentioned above (subject to overall stipulated maximum processing charges).

  • Inspection : Bank will have the right to inspect the borrower’s property at all times and from 2nd post sanction Inspection onwards Rs.100 plus GST per inspection to be charged from borrower.
  • Legal opinion & Valuation charges: -
    1. Title of the property proposed to be purchased is to be clear, absolutely unencumbered and marketable to the satisfaction of the Bank’s solicitor/ advocate. Title verification and Valuation of the property will be done by the empanelled advocate/ Valuer of the Bank.
    2. 2 valuation reports to be obtained in case of Limit above Rs.2.00 Crore or having value of single immovable property above Rs. 5.00 Crores. The lower of the -2- valuations to be considered while calculating the limit.
  • Other Expenses:
    1. like stamp duty for execution of documents, registration charges varying from State to State and other related charges/ expenses for the loan shall be borne by the Borrower.
    2. Insurance of the property taken as security as per the valuation report for full value excluding cost of land. The charges to be borne by borrower/s.
  • Credit Information Report: Bank is authorized to make enquiries from any of the Credit Information Bureau and get the Credit Information Reports. Bank is also authorized to disclose from time to time any information relating to the loan to any Credit Bureau approved by Govt of India or Reserve Bank of India without any notice to the borrower. 
  • Commitment Charges: In case of quarterly average utilization of sanction limit is less than 60% of the sanction limit, commitment charges to be levied @ 0.50% p.a. of entire unutilized portion on quarterly basis and no commitment charges in case quarterly average utilization is 60% or more.

Note: The Bank may use the services of agents in sales/marketing etc of the product.

  • Target Group:
    1. Non-Individuals (Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Private Limited Companies/ LLPs/ unlisted Public Limited Company)
  • Purpose:
    1. For any purpose except for financial speculation of any nature (Persons engaged in Property development/ property dealings/ brokers, share/stock brokers and persons engaged in any speculative activity NOT ELIGIBLE UNDER THE SCHEME).
  • Eligibility:-
    1. Non-Individual entities like Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Private Limited Companies/ Limited Liability Partnership established in the line of activity for a minimum period of 3 years.
    2. Minimum turnover in the account (as per Last Audited Balance sheet) should be minimum Rs. 1 crore.
    3. The firm/company should be making profit (cash profit) for the last 3 years.
    5. An unlisted Public Limited Company can avail loan under Baroda Mortgage Loan Scheme on following conditions:
      • Only unlisted companies to be considered wherein, more than 50% shareholding should be by individual (self or jointly with friends and close relatives). In case of non-individual shareholders, this condition to be satisfied in shareholding/ownership of such non-individual entity/ies.
      • Availability of personal guarantee of individual/s having at least 50% beneficial ownership in the company (self or jointly with friends and close relatives).
  • Type of facility :-
    1. Term Loan / Demand Loan
  • Margin :
    Nature of property Margin on Realizable Value
    Residential 25%
    Commercial 35%
    Industrial 50%
    Others (Non Agricultural properties) 50%
  • Security :-

    Mortgage of Immovable Properties:

    1. Residential Property (House / Flat)
    2. Commercial property (Building / Land & Building)
    3. Industrial property (subject to availability of necessary approval for creation of E.M. from the respective authorities)
    4. Plot of Land (not agricultural land)
  • Limit :-

    Minimum: Rs. 2.00 lacs

    Location of Property Max. Limit (Rs. In Crs.)
    Metro 25.00
    Urban 10.00
    Semi Urban 5.00
    Rural 0.25
  • Repayment Period :-
    1. Term Loan : -180- months
  • Repayment Capacity:
    1. NMI up to Rs.75,000/- : 50%
    2. NMI above Rs.75,000/- to Rs.3.00 Lacs : 60%
    3. NMI above Rs.3.00 Lacs : 70%
  • Unified Processing Charges :-

    Bank has revised the unified processing charges and modified method of recovering processing charges as under:

    1. The unified processing charges will include:
      1. Processing Charges
      2. Documentation Charges
      3. Document Verification/vetting charges
      4. Pre-sanction Inspection (Contact Point Verification-CPV) charges
      5. One time post inspection charges
      6.  Advocate charges for legal opinion
      7.  Valuer charges for valuation
      8. Bureau report charges
      9. CERSAI charges
      10. ITR verification charges
    2. For Mortgage Loans, certain minimum amount of processing charges will be recovered upfront. Balance amount of processing charges will be recovered at the time of conveying sanction of the loan.
    3. Further, stamp duty payable on various loan documents/agreements as well as for equitable mortgage shall be recovered separately on actual basis.
  • The revised unified processing charges for Mortgage Loans is as under:
    1. TL: 1%  Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: Rs.1,50,000/-  
  • Review Charges:
    1. No charges on Review in case of Term Loan / Demand Loan accounts.
    2. For review of existing Overdraft Accounts:
      1. Upto Rs.3.00 Crores: 0.35%

        Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property **. Balance amount of processing charges will be recovered at the time of conveying sanction

        Maximum: Rs.75,000/-

      2. Above Rs.3.00 Crores: 0.25%

        Minimum: Rs.8,500/- (Upfront) per property **. Balance amount of processing charges will be recovered at the time of conveying sanction

        Maximum: No Limit

    3. ** The above upfront charges considered as if only one property is offered as security. If two or more properties are offered as security, Rs.8,500/- per additional property would be applicable as upfront charges in addition to minimum upfront charges as mentioned above (subject to overall stipulated maximum processing charges).
    4. For Overdrafts accounts, processing charges are on per annum basis, i.e. if a proposal is reviewed after six months from the due date for a further period of 12 months, processing charges are to be levied for 18 months.
    5. In case of review with enhancement, the review charges to be taken for entire amount of limit including enhanced portion.
    6. However, if the enhancement is before the due date of next review, processing charges to be taken for the proportionate period for the existing limit and full processing charges to be taken for the enhanced portion
  • Inspection: Bank will have the right to inspect the borrower’s property at all times and from 2nd post sanction Inspection onwards Rs. 100 plus GST per inspection to be charged from borrower.
  • Legal opinion & Valuation charges : -
    1. Title of the property proposed to be purchased is to be clear, absolutely unencumbered and marketable to the satisfaction of the Bank’s solicitor/ advocate. Title verification and Valuation of the property will be done by the empanelled advocate/ Valuer of the Bank.
    2. 2 valuation reports to be obtained in case of Limit above Rs.2.00 Crore or single immovable property above Rs. 5.00 Crores. The lower of the -2- valuations to be considered while calculating the limit.
    3. Where the value of the property is Rs.5/- Crore or above, a Notice may be published in one of the local newspapers (through our advocate) where the property is situates, calling for objections, if any, in accepting such property or mortgage.
  • Pre-Payment Charges:
    1. Prepayment within -12- months after initial sanction : 2% **
    2. Prepayment after -12- months after initial sanction : Nil
  • ** Term Loan: Prepayment charges to be calculated based on scheduled amortization balance or outstanding balance, whichever is higher.

  • Commitment Charges:
    1. In case of quarterly average utilization of sanction limit is less than 60% of the sanction limit, commitment charges to be levied @ 0.50% p.a. of entire unutilized portion on quarterly basis and no commitment charges in case quarterly average utilization is 60% or more.
  • Penal Interest:
    1. 2% p.a. on overdue amount.
  • Insurance:
    1. Insurance of the property taken as security as per the valuation report for full value excluding cost of land. The charges to be borne by borrower/s.
  • Other Expenses: - like stamp duty for execution of documents, registration charges varying from State to State and other related charges/ expenses for the loan shall be borne by the Borrower.
  • Insurance of the property taken as security as per the valuation report for full value excluding cost of land. The charges to be borne by borrower/s.
  • Credit Information Report: Bank is authorized to make enquiries from any of the Credit Information Bureau and get the Credit Information Reports. Bank is also authorized to disclose from time to time any information relating to the loan to any Credit Bureau approved by Govt. of India or Reserve Bank of India without any notice to the borrower. 

Note: The Bank may use the services of agents in sales/marketing etc of the product.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is a mortgage loan?

    Mortgage loans are also synonymously called loans against property, taken against an asset (property/real estate) to avail funds. The asset could be an immovable asset such as a house, or commercial property, offered as collateral to the lender (bank).

  • Who can apply for a mortgage loan?

    Indian residents, Non-resident Indians and non-individual entities like proprietorship firms, partnership firms, Pvt. Ltd. Company and LLP can apply for a mortgage loan.

  • What is the rate of interest for mortgage loan?

    Please visit the bank’s website to know more about the BOB mortgage loan rate of interest here.

  • Is loan against property a good idea?

    A loan against property is a good idea in many aspects. If you take a loan against property, you will avail a host of benefits like a lower rate of interest, easy repayment terms, low-cost EMIs, an overdraft facility and many more.

  • How does loan against property work?

    The mortgage home loan process begins with a background assessment of the income and property of the applicant. Generally, a lender (bank) checks the income eligibility and acceptability of security (property) in the market offered against the loan. Then, a loan is disbursed depending on the market value of the collateral.

  • How much can you borrow against property?

    Lenders disburse a loan of around 60% of the value assessed by the bank, subject to the acceptability of property as security and fulfilling criteria set out by the bank.

  • What are the documents required for mortgage loan?

    Kindly visit our website to know the checklist of documents, here

  • How to apply for mortgage loan?

    To apply for a mortgage loan, visit the link or our nearest branch.

  • Who is eligible for Baroda individual mortgage?

    There are 3 criteria for taking loan against property eligibility.  

    • Resident individual employed or engaged in business/ profession for minimum period of 3 years.
    • Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) holding an Indian passport with a regular job abroad in a reputed Indian or foreign company, organization, or government department. He/she must hold a valid job contract or work permit for minimum past 2 years, be employed/ self-employed, or have a business unit, and must have stayed abroad at least for the past 2 years. Their minimum Gross Annual Income average of the last 3 years) should be Rs. 5 Lakhs, inclusive of co-applicant/s’, whose income is being considered for eligibility.  
    • Their age: Minimum 21 years and maximum 60 years. (Applicant’s/Co-borrowers’ age + Loan tenure should not exceed retirement age for salaried class & 65 years for NRIs & others)
  • What are the benefits of a Mortgage Loan?

    Many benefits come along with securing a mortgage loan.  

    1. Lower rate of interest
    2. On-demand loans
    3. Higher limit of up to Rs. 10 crores

    To know more, speak to our nearest branch staff.   

  • How to get pre-approved for a loan against property?

    To avail pre-approved loan against property, you need to maintain a satisfactory balance with the bank along with a few documents to prove your income.

  • How to convert loan against property to Housing Loan?

    Both housing loans and mortgage loans (loans against property) have distinct purposes to serve. Hence, one mortgage loan cannot be converted into a housing loan.

  • How to calculate EMI for loan against property?

    Check the installments due against a chosen tenure and their effective rate of interest with the Bank of Baroda loan against the property EMI calculator.

  • What is considered as a good credit score for loan against property?

    It is favourable to have a credit score of 750 or above. The banks' lending secured loans, such as a mortgage loan. It is highly important to maintain a good credit score to gain more attractive terms on secured loans.

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