Saving with Festive Season

Open bob LITE Saving Account and get attractive benefits

  • Benefits
  • Features
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Documents Required
  • Fees & Charges
  • Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

bob LITE Savings Account : Features

  • Zero balance account
  • Attractive discounts/offers on Travel, Shopping & E-commerce through Debit & Credit Card
  • Free Rupay Platinum Debit Card subject to maintenance of QAB
    1. Rs. 3000 - Metro/Urban
    2. Rs. 2000 - Semi Urban
    3. Rs. 1000 - Rural
    4. *If QAB is not maintained Annual fee on debit card will be applied as per Banks extant guideline

bob LITE Savings Account : Eligibility Criteria

  • The product is ideally suited for all individuals’ viz. Salaried class people, Businessmen, Self-employed, Professionals, Business Executives, Homemaker, minors above the age of 10 years etc.

bob LITE Savings Account : Documents Required

List Of Valid KYC Documents For Account Opening
Permanent Account Number (PAN)/ FORM60 is mandatorily to be obtained while opening of the accounts as per extant Reserve Bank of India Guidelines.
Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) for Accounts of Individuals
  • Passport
  • Driving license with photo
  • Proof of possession of Aadhaar Number
  • Voter’s Identity Card issued by Election Commission of India,
  • Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government.
  • Letter issued by the National Population Register containing details of Name and Address.
Deemed Officially Valid Documents, In case OVD does not contains current/ updated address. (At least one document from the list is Required.)
  • Utility bill of any service provider i.e. electricity, telephone, postpaid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill (not more than two months old)
  • Property or Municipal Tax receipt;
  • Pension or family pension payment orders (PPOs) issued to retired employees by Government Departments or Public Sector Undertakings, If they contain the address;
  • Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State or Central Government departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, and public sector undertakings, scheduled commercial banks, financial institutions and listed companies. Similarly, leave and license agreements with such employers allotting official accommodation;

bob LITE Savings Account : Fees & Charges

If QAB is not maintained ,Annual fee on debit card will be applied as per Banks extant guideline

bob LITE Savings Account : Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

Cash Deposit
  • For Rs.50000/- and above PAN is required to be submitted as per requirement of Income Tax.

    At Cash machines

  • Cash deposit with debit card up to Rs.2,00,000/- (2 Lacs) per day where PAN is registered and Rs.49,999/- where PAN is not registered in account.
  • Card less transaction (by feeding account number) up to Rs. 20,000/- per day.
  • Fake note, Suspicious Note is impounded and receipt is given to the customer. Torne/Mutilated/Taped notes are not accepted by these machines.

Cash Withdrawal
  • Inter SOL cash payments to third parties is not permissible.
  • Per day per transaction limit of Rs.50000/- is fixed for cash withdrawal by account holder only (through withdrawal up to Rs.25000/- SB Account without cheque book facility) at Non Base CBS branches irrespective of nature of accounts. Passbook should accompany with Withdrawals.
  • Self-Withdrawal at Base branch is free.

Withdrawal(s) & use of Withdrawal Form (Slip)
  • Withdrawals will be allowed either by withdrawal forms or by cheques. Payment against withdrawal form along with passbook is allowed for self only with per day limit of Rs.25000/- (Minimum Rs.25/- in Rural/SU and Rs. 50/- in Metro/Urban).

Passbook and statement of account
  • Free Pass Book.
  • Rs. 100/-per duplicate Pass Book / Statement with latest balance only. For previous statement/ entries, applicable charges apply.

Cheque book
  • 30 cheque leaves will be issued free in a financial year. For additional cheque leaves charges will be applicable.

Registration and execution of standing instructions
  • No charge within the Bank.
  • Rs.50/- per transaction plus applicable remittance charges in case of credits for outside the branch whether in same city or other cities i. e in other branches / Offices such as LIC etc. plus actual postage charges.

Transfer of account/scheme
  • Upon submission of application along with pass book and unused cheque leaves the account can be transferred to another branch/scheme free of charge.
  • bob LITE to other scheme is allowed, however other scheme to bob LITE is not allowed

Interest Calculation and Frequency
  • Interest on Savings is calculated on daily product basis at the rates specified by the Bank taking into account the overall guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
  • Interest is calculated on daily product basis and Credited to accounts quarterly. For this purpose Bank's quarters are May-July, August-October, November-January and February-April Interest is credited to the account within 15 days of end of quarter. However, Value date effect as of 1st day of the month is given while crediting interest.

Dormant/Inoperative Account
  • Account becomes inoperative/dormant if there are no customer induced transactions in Savings account for over a period of two years. Interest is continued to be applied in all such Savings Bank accounts. No charges are levied for in-operation of accounts.
  • Activation/Closure of Dormant/Inoperative accounts will be done after submission of necessary KYC documents, photo, and fresh specimen signature subject to satisfaction of the Bank.
  • All Accounts which have remained inoperative/dormant for a period of 10 years and above will be treated as unclaimed deposits and will be transferred to RBI. Upon receipt of the request from the customer such deposits will be returned subject to conditions.

Minimum balance requirement
  • Life time Zero balance Account

Debit card and Charges:

Free Rupay Paltinum Debit card subject to maintenance of QAB

  • Rs. 3000 for Metro/Urban
  • Rs. 2000 for Semi Urban
  • Rs. 1000 for Rural

If QAB is not maintained Annual fee on debit card will be applied as per Banks extant guideline

  • Facility available.

Rules for Transfer/ inter-sol transfer/clearing transactions and charges
  • Transfer Transaction at base branch : Allowed freely without any limit.
  • Transfer Transaction at Non-base branch (local as well as outstation) normally allowed only at a branch where either drawer or payee maintains account. However, for genuine transactions, Branch Head is authorized to allow transactions at non-base branch (where neither drawer nor payee maintains account) on case to case basis subject to certain conditions. There are no charges for Inter-sol transfer transactions. .
  • Clearing Transactions: There is no restriction for clearing transactions.

Closure of account and charges
  • All the authorized signatories of the account will give in writing his/her/their intention to close the account. The relative passbook, Debit Card and the unused cheque leaves should be surrendered along with the letter requesting closure.
  • In case of pre-mature closure of the account no charges will be levied if the account is closed within 14 days of first customer induced credit into the account. However, charges @ Rs.200/- plus service tax will be levied if account is closed beyond 14 days but within 1 year of the first customer induced transaction. In case of death of account holder no charges will be levied.

Disclosure of information
  • The Bank may disclose information about customer’s account, if required and permitted by law, rule or regulations, or at the request of any public or regulatory authority or if such disclosure is required for the purpose of preventing frauds, or in public interest, without specific consent of the account holder(s).
  • All relevant policies including code of commitments to customers and grievance redressal policy are available at the branches.
  • MITCs OF ATM/DEBIT Card, Mobile Banking, Net Banking in Application Forms are available separately.
  • The Bank will notify, 30 days in advance, any change in terms and conditions/ Fees and charges on its website.
  • Deposits along with interest kept in different branches of our Bank is insured by Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) maximum upto Rs 5,00,000( Rs 5 lakh).

  • Transactions of saving oriented nature are permitted. Commercial transactions are non-allowable transactions. If non allowable transactions are noticed then Bank may close the account with prior notice/intimation citing reasons thereof. In case of single account of minor to be operated by him/her the maximum balance outstanding on any day should not be more than Rs. 100000/- when the minor is aged between 10-14 years.


*All Charges are exclusive of GST and subject to changes from time to time.

*Terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time.

*For latest service charges, please visit our website

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