UPI Payment App for all

It is instant, secure & convenient.

  • BHIM Baroda Pay OneAppForAllPaymentsOne App for All Payments
  • BHIM Baroda Pay Scan_PayScan & pay
  • BHIM Baroda 24x7Availability24/7 Availability
  • Cashback offer
  • App Highlights
  • How to Register?
  • Transaction Limits
  • Secure UPI
  • Features for Merchants
  • Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)
  • Do's and Dont's

bob इ Pay : Cashback offer

bob इ Pay - Cashback offer Valid till 15th March 2025

The following conditions are to be satisfied by users to be eligible for cashback:

  • The users should not have any pre-existing @barodampay UPI handle.
  • The user should be on-boarded through bob इ Pay application only.
  • The user must create a “@barodampay” handle through the bob इ Pay application only.
  • Users need to do one successful UPI merchant outward transaction of a minimum of Rs.100/- within 3 days of onboarding, through bob इ Pay application only.
  • (For example, if a user is onboarded on 26-01-2025, the user will be eligible for cashback, if a merchant transaction of Rs.100/- is carried out through bob इ Pay within 29-01-2025.)
  • Upon completing one successful transaction of a minimum of Rs.100/- and above, cashback of Rs.50/- will be credited to the user’s account on the next business day
  • Bank of Baroda and non-Bank of Baroda customers are eligible for the cashback.
  • Bank of Baroda staff are not eligible for the offer.

bob इ Pay : How to Register?

  • Step 1: Download the app from Google Play Store.
  • Step 2: Click 'Register' for new registration or already registered for already user.
  • Step 3: For dual SIM users, select registered mobile number SIM and enter the same (Standard SMS rate will be charged).
  • Step 4: Confirm mobile number.
  • Step 5: Enter details (Name, Last name, Email etc.) and Set a Virtual ID (VPA). VPA is an identifier (e.g., sourav@barodampay) that can be uniquely mapped to an individual account that can be used for making and receiving payments without sharing account details.
  • Step 6: Select Bank and eligible Account for linking.
  • Step 7: Set 4 digit login PIN and security question and answers.
  • Step 8: Login with 4 digit login PIN and Add Bank Account to enjoy seamless facility.

bob इ Pay : Transaction Limits

Txn Category Txn Type Min Amt. Limit per txn (Rs) Limit per day (Rs) No of txn
per day per account
*Person to Person (P2P) / Person to  Person & Merchant (P2PM) Pay 1 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 20
*Person to Merchant (P2M) All 1 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 20
**Person to Merchant (P2M) (for Specific MCC) All 1 2,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 20
IPO (ASBA) Collect Not Applicable 5,00,000/- 15,00,000/- Not Applicable
G-Sec through RBI Retail Direct Scheme (RDS) Collect Not Applicable 5,00,000/- 15,00,000/- Not Applicable
USSD (*99#) Pay 1 5,000/- 5,000/- 20
Fund Transfer (after setting/resetting) UPI PIN and fresh registration/re-verification of device Pay 1 5000/- 5,000/- 1

*For P2P/P2PM/P2M (non-verified offline), the transaction limit is Rs 2000/- for Collect Request initiated via both “Share intent link & pay” and “QR Share & Pay”
**Specific MCC categories eligible for transaction limit of Rs 2.00 lakhs

bob इ Pay : Secure UPI

Security features in app
  • Two-factor of authentication and secured level of validation.
  • New user (User who has Set/Reset UPI PIN) can transact for Rs. 5,000 as the first transaction.
  • Enhanced level of Device Binding security.
  • Setting up desired per transaction and per day limit for each added account separately through bob इ Pay app.

To block UPI services instantly:
  • Go to SMS option in your registered mobile device.
  • Type BOBUPIBLK in the message content (keyword is not case sensitive).
  • Send the SMS to 8422009988 (Service Mobile Number).

Beware of Phishing & Vishing Attacks when
  • You receive an automated call telling you that a major transaction has taken place in your account and instructing you to either provide confidential bank account information or call back on a particular number.
  • You receive a promotional message or call informing you about incentives such as a 2% downgrade on home loan rate or a free upgrade to a platinum debit card with a gift and asking you to provide confidential information.
  • You receive a call with the caller identifying himself as a Bank of Baroda Bank representative when you are not expecting such a call and asking for confidential information.
  • The caller identifying as a Bank of Baroda Bank representative does not know details like your first name and last name.

How to remain safe
  • Never call back a phone number sent to you in an email or provided through a phone call and provide confidential bank account information.
  • Never reveal or key-in your confidential details to anyone who calls or e-mails, unless the communication is a response to your query or complaint made previously.
  • Bank of Baroda does not make calls, asking for your mobile banking passwords. If any caller pretends to be from our Bank/Contact Centre, please do not entertain such requests as they are fraudulent entities.
  • In case your mobile banking/mobile number is de-registered/deactivated without your request or you get a call in this regard, somebody may be trying to get a duplicate SIM/steal your credentials like M-PIN/OTP (One time password), etc.
  • In case any unauthorized access to your information, accounts, or disputed transactions, using mobile Banking service, please check immediately with telecom service provider and contact the Bank on 18005700 .
  • Change Passwords as frequently as possible.
  • In case of unauthorized access of your UPI application, please de-register immediately for Mobile Banking services through ATM/internet banking/base branch (or please contact our contact center.

Trouble Shooting - bob इ Pay

Key factor/troubleshooting of bob इ Pay (Unified Payment Interface)

  • Application is available for Android OS and iOS-based users (version not lower than 4.1 for Android and version not lower than 8 for iOS).
  • UPI facility is based on mobile number updated in banks from which registration is done.
  • For debit of different bank account UPI PIN will be require of their own selected respective banks.
  • If customer is getting error unable/failed to fetch mobile number while registration then please ask them to check mobile balance (standard charges are applied) only at the time of registration (silent message is sent to bind your Mobile number, IMEI and SIM number to UPI database) for 1st factor authentication.
  • Allow all the access permission which is popup while registration as it is downloaded from unknown sources it is asking to accept.
  • If application is not able to read mobile number from your mobile, kindly change the registered number to default slot manually (for dual SIM phones).
  • Make sure mobile data or internet connection is enabled before using application.

PIN Security

About Your Security PINs:

As reported, you must use two PINs i.e., Login PIN and UPI PIN (transaction password). You will have to compulsorily set the login PIN, when you register.

While changing the password and while subsequently using it, please note that:

  • Login PIN and UPI PIN must be of 4 digits and 4 digits (for BOB users) respectively.
  • For your safety, your password will be blocked, if attempt to log in fails for 5 times. (If your password is blocked (i.e., you perfectly remember your password, but while keying in, you keyed in wrongly for 5 times and it got locked).
  • In case you forgot your PINs, these can be reset through Baroda UPI Mobile App itself with the following Menu options:
  • Generate UPI PIN
  • Forgot Login PIN
  • While changing the Login PIN subsequently, you cannot use any of your last 3 Login PINs.
  • If PIN is not changed in 180 days, system will force you to change the Login PIN and UPI PIN. However, we advise you to keep changing the PINs, at regular intervals.

Password Security Guidelines:

Please note that your password(s) are of utmost importance in UPI. It is the only way to identify you, by the system. Therefore, its security is very crucial, and we advise you as under:

  • Please do not write these PINs anywhere.
  • If you feel someone knows any of your PINs (i.e., it is compromised), please change the PIN immediately.
  • You should change the PINs at regular intervals.
  • If you opt to change your PINs, you should choose your new PINs carefully.
  • Do not share your PIN(s) to anybody, including bank staff. (Bank does not require your user id or PIN at any point of time. If you receive any communication asking for this information, please do not send your user id or PIN(s)).
  • Never write down, record, or save on your mobile your PIN or other security information.
  • Please avoid using important dates (wedding anniversary, birthdays of yourself/spouse/children etc.) as your PINs.
  • Phishing, also called spoofing, is the act of attempting to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business with a real need for such information in a seemingly official electronic notification or message. The e-mail directs the user to visit a web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers that the legitimate organization already has.
  • Bank of Baroda sincerely requests you not to respond to any emails that request personal information.

Other Security Tips:
  • Do not leave your mobile unattended while you are accessing bob इ Pay , UPI Mobile App.
  • As and when you have finished using bob इ Pay, UPI Mobile App, do not forget to log out completely. Further close the window completely, after you log out. Avoid closing the window abruptly, on usage.
  • Every time you log in, you are shown the time when you logged in last. If you feel that, you did not log in at the time shown, get alerted immediately. Change your passwords, check all the transactions, and ensure that nothing untoward has taken place.
  • If you act fraudulently or show contributory negligence, you will be responsible for all losses on your account.
  • Keeping your mobile secure by using anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall software.
  • Taking care to ensure that no-one else hears or sees User id, Login PIN, UPI PIN or any one-time password (OTP) we send to you when you use them.
  • If you lose your mobile telephone, it is stolen or you suspect it is being used without your permission, you must tell us immediately via contact centre to block your access to application so that we can suspend your use of the Baroda UPI application service until the matter has been resolved.
  • Please read the Terms and conditions available at our websites and mobile application login page and keep a copy of them in a safe place for your future reference. We will inform if any terms and conditions are changed through websites and mobile application.

You must tell us without delay If:
Your mobile is stolen, and you suspect that someone else has used or tried to use them without your authorization; or you become aware of any incorrectly executed instructions or any unauthorized transaction on your Account(s)

By: Contact the customer care centre at 18005700 or write upi.bcc@bankofbaroda.co.in to for any information regarding the bob इ Pay , UPI Mobile App services.

bob इ Pay : Features for Merchants

Easy, Convenient, Hassle-free collection channel for Merchants

Three Types of Merchants in UPI i.e.

  • I am Merchant (in-app).
  • Retail Merchant (One-page form).
  • Corporate Merchant.

Customized Solution to Corporate Merchants

  • Web based merchant payment solution.
  • Mobile based application solution.
  • Offline Payment where merchant is not having online infrastructure such as website/mobile app to receive payment.
  • Retail merchant through QR code.
  • Bulk Collect/QR code-based solution.

Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) is nil

User friendly Merchant Portal for downloading real time MIS/report for ease of reconciliation and transaction status.

bob इ Pay : Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

Unified Payment Interface (UPI) - bob इ Pay

BANK of Baroda is at the forefront of adoption of the next-generation payments system Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a simplified and robust payments system being operated by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). Leveraging capabilities of the UPI platform like Phone-linked payments, any-bank account debit and 1-click 2 factor authentication – to deliver a superior user experience to customers. We aim to be have the widest range of offerings in the digital payments space by covering multiple use cases either directly via our own branded offering or via strategic partnerships with industry leaders, start-up forums, start-ups etc. to emerge as a thought and business leader in the Indian payments space leveraging the capabilities provided by UPI and move towards the era of a ‘less-cash’ India.

This document lays out the “Terms and Conditions”, which shall be applicable to all transactions initiated by the Customer/User vide the Unified Payment Interface, as defined herein below, through Bank of Baroda Limited, for the purpose of transfer of funds.

Before usage of the “Unified Payment Interface”, all Customer/User(s) are advised to carefully read and understand these Terms and Conditions. Usage of the Unified Payment Interface by the Customer/User(s) shall be construed as deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, mentioned herein below.

Definitions: The following words and expressions shall have the corresponding meanings wherever appropriate.

  • ‘bob इ Pay’ shall mean Bank’s Unified Payment Interface (UPI) application.
  • ‘Application’ shall mean the Bank’s Unified Payment Interface Application or any third party UPI enabled mobile application downloaded in the mobile phone by the Customer/User.
  • ‘Account’, shall mean any account at the Bank which has been registered for use via bob इ Pay.
  • ‘Customer/User’ a person above the age of 15 years who hold an account in any Bank including Bank of Baroda.
  • ‘Payment Service Provider or PSP’, Shall mean entities which are allowed to issue virtual addresses to the Users and provide payment (credit/debit) services to individuals or entities and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, in accordance with the Payments and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
  • “Authentication Credentials” shall mean password, biometrics, PIN etc., as provided by Bank of Baroda or 3rd party provider like UIDAI, from time to time, which shall be required by the Customer/User for completion of the transfer of funds through UPI
  • ‘UPI PIN’ shall mean the Personal Identification Number (password of 4 digits) for doing transactions using UPI application facility. UPI PIN is a remitter level check. UPI PIN for BOB accounts will be different for different CUST IDs but for other Bank accounts, UPI PIN will be different.
  • ‘Login PIN’ shall mean the password (4 digits) for opening the bob इ Pay facility in the mobile phone.
  • “UPI Services” shall mean Unified Payment Interface, a multi-platform operable payment network solution which is being provided by NPCI for the purpose of inter-bank fund transfer of funds i.e., pay someone (push) or collect from someone (pull) pursuant to the rules, regulations and guidelines issued by NPCI, Reserve Bank of India and the Bank, from time to time;
  • ‘Facility’ shall mean UPI facility provided to the Customers/Users
  • ‘Mobile Phone number’ shall mean the mobile number that has been given by the Customer/User to register respective Bank CBS System.
  • ‘WAP’ shall mean Wireless Application Protocol.
  • ‘USSD’ shall mean Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.
  • ‘Base Branch’ shall mean the branch where the customer has his primary account
  • “NPCI” shall mean National Payments Corporation of India, a company incorporated in India under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 1001A, B wing 10th Floor, The Capital, Plot 70, Block G, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051, and acting as the settlement, clearing house, regulating agency for UPI services with the core objective of consolidating and integrating the multiple payment systems with varying service levels into nation-wide uniform and standard business process for all retail payment systems.
  • “UIDAI” shall mean the Unique Identification Authority of India, is a government agency based in New Delhi that serves as the issuing authority for Aadhaar unique identification numbers (UIDs) and cards.
  • "Beneficiary Bank" shall mean the Bank holding a bank account of the Receiver where the credit of the UPI instruction is received from the Payer to be executed either in real time basis or periodically with a settlement process.
  • "Remitter Bank" shall mean a bank holding a bank account of the Payer where the Debit of the UPI instruction is received from the Payer to be executed on real time basis.
  • “Authorization/Authorized Transactions” means the process by which Bank of Baroda approves a Transaction as stipulated by competent authorities/3rd parties, from time to time.
  • “Payer” shall mean any person holding a banking account and who desires to pay money to the Receiver for purchase of goods or services online using the UPI Services, being offered by the Master Merchant or the Merchant on its website or mobile application thereto.
  • “Receiver" shall mean any person or the Merchant holding a banking account, who are desirous to receive payments from the Payer over the internet using the UPI Services. In case the Payer is customer of the Merchant and is paying money to the Merchant for purchase or utilization of goods and services from the Merchant, the Merchant shall be the Receiver.
  • “Amount" shall mean the payment amount in question which is required to be transferred from the Payer to the Receiver via the Master Merchant or Merchant as a part of the UPI Transaction.
  • “Transaction” shall mean every payment instruction that results in a debit to the Payer’s Account and a corresponding credit to the Receiver’s Account.
  • “Virtual Address” means a unique Payment Identifier issued by a PSP to a Payer or a Receiver that, among other things, can be used to identify, debit or credit a bank account.

Payers Account and a corresponding credit to the Receivers Account.

  • Virtual Address means a unique Payment Identifier issued by a PSP to a Payer or a Receiver that, among other things, can be used to identify, debit, or credit a bank account.

Applicability of Terms and Conditions:

By using bob इ Pay, the Customer/User thereby agrees to these Terms and Conditions, which form the contract between the Customer/User and Bank. bob इ Pay of the Bank shall be governed by such terms and conditions as amended by the Bank from time to time. These terms and conditions shall be in addition to and not in derogation of other terms and conditions relating to any account of the Customer/User and/or the respective product or the service provided by the Bank unless otherwise specifically stated.

  • The Customer/User is aware, understand and agree to the following features in relation to UPI:
    • Use personal mobile as the primary device for all transfer of funds including person to person, person to entity, and entity to person.
    • Use mobile number, card number, and account number in a unified way.
    • Make payments only by providing an address with others without having ever provide account details or credentials on 3rd party applications or websites.
    • Send collecting requests to others (person to person or entity to person) with "pay by" date to allow payment requests to be “snoozed” and paid later before expiry date without having to block the money in the account until Customer/User is ready to pay; (v) to pre-authorize multiple recurring payments similar to ECS with a one-time secure authentication and rule based access.
  • All transactions shall be confirmed by a 1-click 2-factor authentication on personal phone of the Customer/User, without having any acquiring devices or having any physical tokens.
  • The Customer/User undertakes to execute such other documents and writings in addition to the instructions for activating, initiating or making transfer of funds via UPI (bob इ Pay) facility, in a form and manner as required by Bank of Baroda, from time to time.
  • All instructions given by the Customer/User shall be irrevocable in nature. Bank of Baroda shall be bound to act upon all instructions given by the Customer/User for transfer of funds using UPI (bob इ Pay) upon confirmation of the Authentication Credentials, as stipulated by Bank of Baroda, from time to time, for the purpose of giving effect to any inward or outward transfer of funds initiated by the Customer/User. However, Bank of Baroda may, in its sole and absolute discretion and without requirement of any notice or reason whatsoever, revoke or cancel any instructions issued by the Customer/User and such decision of Bank of Baroda shall be final, binding and conclusive on the Customer/User.
  • The Customer/User understands that the transaction(s) shall be acted upon by Bank of Baroda through UPI, on the date of the instruction given by the Customer/User and/or in accordance with the time period stipulated by Bank of Baroda, from time to time.
  • The Customer/User also understands that the transaction may also be cancelled/rejected due to any of the reasons like "the designated account of beneficiary not being maintained by the Beneficiary bank” or an attachment order having been passed the designated Beneficiary account by a competent authority/Court or details pertaining to the Beneficiary/Beneficiary account details recorded with the Beneficiary bank does not match or any other reasons.
  • The Customer/User ensures and confirms that upon completion of the transaction initiated by the Customer/User, i.e., receipt of fund by the recipient maintained with the Beneficiary Bank, Bank of Baroda will be entitled to charge such fees, cost and charges, as specified by Bank of Baroda, from time to time, save and except, where such imposition of charge is restricted by law. Without prejudice to any other rights of recovery that Bank of Baroda may have, Bank of Baroda shall be entitled to debit any of the Customer's account held with the Bank of Baroda for any such fees, charge or costs.
  • The Customer/User acknowledges and understands that the completion of transactions for transfer of funds based on the Customer's instruction shall involve various counterparties. The Customer/User confirms that Bank of Baroda shall not be held liable or responsible for any delays/deficiencies in settlement of a transaction due to system constraints, actions of 3rd parties or any other circumstances outside the control of the Bank of Baroda. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Customer/User agrees to indemnify and save, keep harmless and keep indemnified Bank of Baroda against any improper/fraudulent instructions purporting to be received from the Customer/User and/or for furnishing incomplete information.
  • The Customer understands that the provision of UPI is subject to Indian laws and the guidelines and regulations issued from time to time by the NCPI or Reserve Bank of India in this behalf.
  • The Customer agrees and confirms that Bank of Baroda reserves the rights to call for logs, proofs, customer details or documents necessary at any time on account of audit, compliance, regulatory or legal requirements and the Master Merchant agrees to comply with such requests within 2 business days from the date of such requests being made.
  • The Customer understands that the NCPI in this regard shall be an intermediary a service provider in the process of settlement of a transaction initiated using UPI, subject to the availability of sufficient funds in the account of the Customer. Any transaction initiated by the Customer shall be deemed to be complete in all respects if a decline message is not received by the Customer from Bank of Baroda within a reasonable period time (decision of Bank of Baroda in this regard shall be final and binding). UPI transaction shall be deemed to be settled at the time when the account of the Customer has been debited and the account of the recipient maintained with the Beneficiary Bank has been credited.
  • The Customer understands that Bank of Baroda may amend the above terms and conditions, at any time without any notice or assigning any reason whatsoever and such amended terms and conditions will thereupon apply to and be binding on the Customer.
  • The Customer agrees and confirms that the Minimum and Maximum amount stipulation for UPI may be stipulated by Bank of Baroda in accordance with the Guidelines set by NPCI or RBI, from time to time.
  • The Customer will be liable if he enters wrong Account Number, IFSC, Mobile Number, MMID (Mobile Money Identifier) and Virtual ID in case of other bank fund transfer. Bank will not bear any loss if any wrong transactions are done due to customer negligence.

General Business Rules Governing bob इ Pay:

The following Business rules will apply to the facility being offered by the Bank:

  • The Facility will be available to customers having a satisfactory running Savings/Current account/Overdraft account with the any Bank live on UPI.
  • Present Upper Limit for transactions by PSP application:
    • The per transaction upper ceiling per customer shall be Rs. 1,00,000 for fund transfer, bill payment and merchant payment separately when the service is used over the application/WAP. The limit is applicable for only Bank of Baroda customers.
    • The daily upper ceiling per customer shall be Rs. 1,00,000 for fund transfer, bill payment and merchant payment separately when the service is used over the application/WAP.
    • Per transaction ceiling is applicable for BOB account holders. Per transaction limit varies from Bank to Bank.
    • Limit is set as per application (PSP) which will be applicable for all linked accounts of all banks.
    • User will be intimate about increase of limit time to time through website and other mode.
  • Entering wrong UPI PIN thrice will block the facility for the day and two such consecutive blockages will de-activate the facility. Then customer would be required to re-register for the facility as per the procedure laid down for the same.
  • Any change in the business rules of any of the processes will be notified on Bank’s website www.bankofbaroda.in, which will be construed as sufficient notice to the customer.
  • Eligibility

Sr. No. Type of Account Constitution Mode of operation Who is eligible for bob इ Pay(UPI) facility
1 SB Account Single Self Yes (Except NRE / NRO & Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts and Scheme Code SB136, SB137, SB155 )
2 SB Account Joint E or S and A or S Yes
3 SB Account Minor Self Yes
4 Current Account In the name of SELF. Single Self or Sole Proprietor Yes (Except CA131)
5 Current Account In the name of firm - Single Sole Proprietor Yes
6 Over Draft Account In the name of SELF-Single Single/Sole Proprietor having scheme code (OD002,OD003,OD004, OD005,OD006,OD016, OD017,OD023,OD028) Yes

  • Accounts where mode of operation is “joint” as also accounts in the name of minor below the age of 15 years or where minor is a joint account holder are not eligible for bob इ Pay.
  • User has to accept the Terms and Conditions.
  • It shall be the Bank’s endeavour to give a reasonable notice for withdrawal or termination of the facility, but the Bank may at its discretion withdraw temporarily or terminate the facility, either wholly or partially, anytime without giving prior notice to the Customer.
  • The facility may be suspended for any maintenance or repair work for any breakdown in the Hardware/Software for bob इ Pay or any emergency or security reasons without prior notice and bank shall not be responsible if such an action has to be taken for reasons of security or emergency.
  • The services offered under the facility will become non-functional if the primary account linked for the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is closed.
  • The Bank may also terminate or suspend the services under the facility without prior notice if the Customer has violated the terms and conditions lay down by the Bank or on the death of the Customer when brought to the notice of the Bank or when prohibited by law or an order by a court or Authority.

Usage of Facility:

  • By accepting the terms and conditions on the mobile phone while registering for the facility, the customer:
    • Agrees to use the bob इ Pay for financial and non-financial transactions offered by the Bank from time to time.
    • Irrevocably authorizes the Bank to debit the Account which has been enabled for bob इ Pay for all transactions /services charges (if any) undertaken using UPI PIN.
    • Authorizes the Bank to map the account number and mobile phone number for the smooth operation of bob इ Pay offered by the Bank and to preserve the mapping record in its own server or server of any third party and to use such data at its discretion for providing/enhancing further banking/ technology products that it may offer.
    • Agrees that he / she is aware and accepts that facility offered by the Bank will enable him / her to transact using UPI PIN within the limit prescribed by the Bank and the transaction being bonafide will not be disputed
    • Agrees that transactions originated using the mobile phone are non-retractable as these are instantaneous/real time.
    • Understands and explicitly agrees that Bank has the absolute and unfettered right to revise the prescribed ceilings from time to time which will be binding upon him/her.
    • Agrees to use the facility on a mobile phone properly and validly registered in his / her name only with the Mobile Service Provider and undertakes to use the facility only through mobile number which has been given to register for the facility.
    • Agrees that the Bank is authenticating the Customer by his mobile phone number and UPI PIN provided by the Customer and that such authentication would be sufficient for protection of the customer transactions. The customer is solely responsible for maintenance of the secrecy and confidentiality of the UPI PIN, One Time Password and Login PIN / Fingerprint without any liability to the Bank. The Bank at its discretion may adopt other authentication of electronic records and the same will be acceptable and binding on the customer.


  • Customer shall be required to acquaint himself/herself with the process for using the facility and that he/she shall be responsible for any error made while using the facility.
  • Bank reserves the right to decide what services may be offered. Additions/ deletions to the services offered under the facility are at its sole discretion.
  • The instructions of the Customer shall be effected only after authentication under his/her Login PIN/ Fingerprint and UPI PIN or through any other mode of verification as may be stipulated at the discretion of the Bank.
  • While it shall be the endeavour of the Bank to carry out the instructions received from the Customers promptly, it shall not be responsible for the delay/failure in carrying out the instructions due to any reasons beyond its control or including failure of operational system or any requirement of Law.
  • The Customer expressly authorizes the Bank to access his/her account information required for offering the services under the facility and also to share the information regarding his/ her accounts with the service provider/ third party as may be required to provide the services under the facility.
  • The transactional details will be recorded by the Bank and these records will be regarded as conclusive proof of the authenticity and accuracy of transactions.
  • Customer hereby authorizes the Bank or its agents to send promotional messages including the products of the Bank, greetings or any other messages the Bank may consider from time to time.
  • Customer understands that the Bank may send rejection or cannot process the request messages for the service request(s) sent by the Customer which could not be executed for any reason beyond its control.
  • Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the customer information is kept confidential but shall not be responsible for any inadvertent divulgence or leakage of Customer information for reasons beyond its control or by action of any third party.
  • Customer expressly authorizes the Bank to carry out all requests/ transactions purporting to have been received from his/her mobile phone and authenticated with his/ her UPI PIN. All payment transactions, initiated from the customer’s mobile phone using his/her UPI PIN will be treated bonafide expressly authorizing the Bank to make the payment.
  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to advise the Bank of any change in his mobile number or loss/theft of mobile phone by adopting the procedure laid down by the Bank for the purpose.
  • Telecom Service provider of the customer may levy charges for each SMS / GPRS and the Bank is not liable for any dispute that may arise between telecom service provider and the Customer.

Accuracy of Information:

It is the responsibility of the Customer to provide correct information to the Bank through the use of the facility or any other method. In case of any discrepancy in information, the Customer understands that the Bank will not be in any way responsible for action taken based on the information. Bank will endeavour to correct the error promptly wherever possible on a best effort basis, if the customer reports such error in information.

Customer understands that the Bank will try, to the best of its ability and effort, to provide accurate information and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur due to reasons beyond the control of the Bank. Customer accepts that the Bank shall not be responsible for any errors which may occur in spite of the steps taken by the Bank to ensure the accuracy of the information and shall not have any claim against the Bank in the event of any loss/damage suffered as a consequence of an inaccurate information provided by the Bank.

Responsibilities and obligations of the customer

  • The Customer will be responsible for all transactions, including fraudulent/erroneous transactions made through the use of his/ her mobile phone, SIM card and UPI PIN, regardless of whether such transactions are in fact entered into or authorized by him/ her or not and the customer will be responsible for the loss/damage, if any suffered.
  • The Customer shall take all steps possible to ensure that his/her mobile phone is not shared with anyone and shall take immediate action to de-register from bob इ Pay as per procedure laid down in case of misuse/ theft/loss of the mobile phone or SIM card.
  • The Customer will use the services offered under facility using the UPI PIN in accordance with the procedure as laid down by the Bank from time to time.
  • The Customer shall keep the Login PIN, One Time Password and UPI PIN confidential and will not disclose these to any other person or will not record them in a way that would compromise the security of the services.
  • It will be the responsibility of the Customer to notify the Bank immediately if he/ she suspect the misuse of the UPI PIN. He will also immediately initiate the necessary steps to change his UPI PIN.
  • If the mobile phone or SIM is lost, the customer must immediately take action to de-register from bob इ Pay and UPI at contact centre.
  • The Customer accepts that any transaction originating from the Login PIN/UPI PIN and / or registered mobile phone number shall be assumed to have been initiated by the Customer and any transaction authorized by the UPI PIN/MPIN is duly and legally authorized by the Customer.
  • The Customer shall keep himself/herself updated with regard to any information/ modification relating to the services offered under the facility which would be publicized on the websites and at the branches and would be responsible for the same.
  • The Customer shall be liable for all loss on breach of the Terms and Conditions contained herein or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions or a failure to advise the Bank immediately about any unauthorized access in the Account. Unauthorized transactions reporting, restoration and compensation will be governed by the customer protection policy - limited Liability of Customer in Unauthorized electronic banking transactions HO:BR:110:130 dated 01-08-2018.
  • The Customer shall be liable and responsible for all legal compliance and adherence of all commercial terms and conditions in respect of the mobile connection/SIM card/mobile phone through which the facility is availed and the Bank does not accept/ acknowledge any responsibility in this regard.
  • Bank shall not accept any Stop Payment instructions, once the transaction amount and the beneficiary account are entered and authorized by the Customer.
  • The Customer is advised to be prudent in downloading content through blue-tooth and ensure that proper anti-virus software is used from time to time to remove malware residing in the hand-set.
  • The customer is liable for any dispute related to bill amount paid to the biller and the dispute is to be dealt by the customer with the respective biller directly. The liability of the amount paid (full/partial) to the biller by the customer falls on the scheme code of the biller.
  • Any dispute arising out of amount credited to an incorrect account instead of the intended beneficiary, Bank may assist the customer in providing the beneficiary bank contact details to settle the dispute and recover the amount.
  • The customer is liable for any dispute related to mobile/DTH and Data Card recharge. It is the liability of the customer to verify the mobile number/subscriber number and account number that he/she enters for e-commerce services.


The Bank, when acting in good faith, shall be absolved of any liability in case:

  • The Bank is unable to receive or execute any of the requests from the Customer or there is loss of information during processing or transmission or any unauthorized access by any other person or breach of confidentiality due to reasons beyond the control of the Bank.
  • There is any kind of loss, direct or indirect, incurred by the Customer or any other person due to any failure or lapse in the facility which are beyond the control of the Bank.
  • There is any failure or delay in transmitting of information or there is any error or inaccuracy of information or any other consequence arising from any cause beyond the control of the Bank which may include technology failure, mechanical breakdown, power disruption, etc.
  • There is any lapse or failure on the part of the service providers or any third party affecting the said facility and that the Bank makes no warranty as to the quality of the service provided by any such service provider. The Bank, its employees, agent or contractors, shall not be liable for and in respect of any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential, including but not limited to loss of revenue, profit, business, contracts, anticipated savings or goodwill, loss of use or value of any equipment including software, whether foreseeable or not, suffered by the Customer or any person howsoever arising from or relating to any delay, interruption, suspension, resolution or error of the Bank in receiving and processing the request and in formulating and returning responses or any failure, delay, interruption, suspension, restriction, or error in transmission of any information or message to and from the telecommunication equipment of the Customer and the network of any service provider and the Bank's system or any breakdown, interruption, suspension or failure of the telecommunication equipment of the Customer, the Bank's system or the network of any service provider and/or any third party who provides such services as is necessary to provide the facility.
  • The Bank will not be responsible if Bank’s UPI application “bob इ Pay” is not compatible with/ does not work on the mobile handset of the Customer.


In consideration of the Bank providing the facility, the Customer agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, demands proceedings, loss, damages, costs, charges and expenses which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or arising out of or in connection with any services provided to the Customer pursuant hereto. The Customer shall indemnify the Bank for unauthorized access by any third party to any information/instructions/triggers given by the Customer or breach of confidentiality.

These terms & Conditions are subject to periodic updating. The User understands that Bank of Baroda may amend the above terms and conditions at any time without any notice or assigning any reason whatsoever and such amended Terms and Conditions will thereupon Apply to and be binding on the User and same will be published in our website i.e.,http://www.bankofbaroda.in

To check out the privacy policy, please click here

bob इ Pay : Do's and Dont's

Do’s Don’ts
Immediately report lost/stolen mobile/Debit Card to Bank’s Contact Centre for blocking of UPI/Debit Card. Never share the Confidential information like Debit Card number, Expiry Date, OTP to any one by any means.
Immediately report unauthorised transaction to Bank’s Contact Centre for blocking of compromised channel. Never transfer funds or accept collect request without validation of recipient, as funds once transferred cannot be reversed.
Verify transaction alert received via SMS and report unauthorised transaction immediately. Never download any suspicious App or share the App code.
If needed, find the Contact details of any E-commerce site/insurance/Bank’s Branch/Contact Centre Number from the Official Website of the respective E-commerce site/insurance/Banks etc. Never get the Contact details from any Search Engine it might be the manipulated Mobile number of the fraudster.
If you have shared your Debit Card credentials, please immediately block UPI channel in addition to Debit Card. Don’t open or access any external link shared to your device.
When receiving Collect Request, please enter your PIN carefully, as entering PIN will result in debiting of your account. Don’t scan any suspicious QR Code received on your device.

Note: The Bank may use the services of agents in sales/marketing etc. of its various products. The agents may call the customers to increase the Digital awareness and Digital adoption.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is Unified Payments Interface?

    Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is a payment system developed by National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI). It is a platform where accounts maintained with different banks can be added and transactions can be done through these accounts. UPI allows you to transfer money between any two parties via smart phone through a payment identifier like virtual payment address, Account number with IFSC and UPI number.

  • What is Virtual Payment Address (VPA)?

    A Virtual Payment Address (VPA) is a unique identifier used in the UPI system to facilitate secure and seamless transactions. It acts as a digital alias for your bank account, eliminating the need to share sensitive details like your account number and IFSC. You can use it to send or receive money without revealing your account details.

    Note: Every VPA created should be linked with at least one account number.

  • Who can register for bob इ Pay?

    Any Bank, which is live on UPI, customer whose mobile number is registered (mobile number active for SMS service) with their accounts. While registering for bob Pay, please ensure you have following:

    • An Android/ iOS phone with internet services.
    • An operative bank account eligible for UPI (Saving/Current/OD) account having mode of operation Self, Either or Survivor and Sole Proprietor)
    • The mobile number must be linked to the bank account.
    • Active debit card linked to the account for creating UPI PIN for transactions.
  • How can I register for bob इ Pay?

    Step 1: Download the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

    Step 2: For dual SIM users, select registered mobile number and enter the same (Standard SMS rate will be charged)

    Step 3: Confirm mobile number and Enter details (Name, Last name, Email etc.) and Set a Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also known as UPI ID

    Step 4: Set 4-digit login PIN and set Security Question and Answers

    Step 5: Login with 4 Digit login PIN and Add Bank Account

    Step 6: Create UPI PIN using debit card linked to your bank account and enjoy UPI facility seamlessly

    Note: Kindly ensure sufficient balance in your number for deducting SMS charges for mobile verification.

  • What are the steps of registration for iOS users for bob इ Pay application?
    • Download application from AppStore.
    • Input mobile number linked with a bank account.
    • Send two app prompted SMS within 5 secs.
    • Complete the remaining app prompted steps.
  • How to set Login PIN?

    Any 4 digit number can be set as Login PIN. Along with Login PIN you have to set one security question and answer (QnA) which will be required in case you forgot the Login PIN.

  • How can I add multiple Bank Accounts?

    After successful registration with UPI, click on Add accounts option available in Account Management. Choose your Bank from the list in which the mobile number is updated. Application will fetch the eligible account number link with the same mobile number.

  • What is UPI PIN and how to set it?

    UPI PIN is a second factor authentication i.e. 4 or 6 Digit transaction PIN which is required to authorize financial and non-financial transactions. Debit Card is mandatory for Setting UPI PIN. UPI PIN can be set by entering last 6 six digits of debit card and expiry date along with OTP delivered to your registered mobile number from issuer bank.

    Note: For Bank of Baroda users, length of UPI PIN is “four”, however length may vary for other bank account holders as per their bank PIN policy.

  • Why am I not able to set UPI PIN for my account despite entering valid debit card details?

    Using the active debit card, you can set the UPI PIN only for the account linked to the card. In case of card is not linked to account, please contact your branch. Card may have expired, or it is de-linked.

  • All my accounts are not visible. Why?

    The reasons may be:

    • You are not having account in the eligible scheme i.e., Saving, Current and OD
    • The mode of operation is not Self/Either or Survivor or Sole Proprietor.
    • Customer ID is different
  • What if I enter the UPI PIN wrong for more than 3 attempts?

    Account will be blocked for 24 hrs. After 24 hrs account will be unblocked. In case, if you enter wrong UPI PIN for more than 3 attempts again, the account will be permanently blocked. You have to regenerate New UPI-PIN by using your debit card credential along with OTP sent by issuer bank.

  • If I forgot UPI PIN, what will be the procedure and details required for it?

    To set or reset your UPI PIN through the bob Pay application, follow these steps:

    • Select the "SET/RESET UPI PIN" option.
    • Enter the last 6 digits of your debit card and the expiry date.
    • You will receive an OTP (One-Time Password) on your registered mobile number from your debit card issuer bank.
    • Enter the OTP and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
  • If I forgot Login PIN, what will be the procedure and details required for it?

    In this case, click on forgot Login PIN, option is available on the login page.

    Now, on the next screen you will be asked to enter:

    1. OTP received on your mobile number.
    2. After entering OTP, Security question to be answered which was set at the time of registration.
    3. After correct answer is entered, App will prompt to set New 4 digit Login PIN.
  • How to reset Security Question & Answer if I have forgotten it?

    If u forgot answer for the security question you have set, please follow below mentioned steps:

    • In this case, you have to select forgot Question & Answers option, available on forgot Login PIN page.
    • Enter registered email ID. An OTP will be sent on the entered email ID (valid for 10 Min)
    • Enter OTP and Submit.
  • What are the different ways for transferring funds using UPI?

    The different ways for transferring funds using UPI are:

    • Send/collect through Virtual ID
    • Scan QR and Pay
    • Account number + IFSC
  • What is Scan & Pay?

    Scan and Pay is a feature that allows users to make payments by scanning a QR (Quick Response) code. This method enables instant and secure transactions without the need to enter bank details or payment identifiers manually.

    You will have to scan QR code through your bob Pay application, after scanning the QR all details of beneficiary will be displayed on your UPI app and payment will be made once you click the pay button and approve the payment by entering UPI PIN.

  • How can I receive /collect funds in my account from other account?

    You can receive/collect payment through Virtual Payment Address and by generating QR code.

  • How do I know if someone has sent collect request to me?

    You will receive notification in the bell icon available at the top right on the Home page. You can select one of the following three options once you receive the notification.

    1. Approve
    2. Reject
    3. Block & Spam
  • I want to initiate a Collect request. Can I set an expiry time for the same?

    Yes, you can set the expiry time. You can set an expiry time from 30 Mins to 45 days, from the date of initiation of the transaction.

  • How can I perform transactions using bob इ Pay?
    • After adding bank account, generate virtual address and set UPI PIN for authenticating transactions
    • Click on Pay.
    • If you choose to transact using Virtual Address, enter valid virtual address of the beneficiary. The beneficiary must be registered with UPI.
    • If you choose to transact through IFSC code and bank account number, enter the required details. In such case, the beneficiary need not register with UPI.
    • To ask for money from friends, use Collect Money option, enter the payer details and click collect money.
    • To approve collect money requests raised by friends, click Collect/Approve option.
    • To Make Payment through QR code click to Scan & Pay option available on home page.
  • Where can I see all my past transactions?

    You can see your past transactions under ‘Transaction history’ option available on home page.

  • How can I De-register from bob इ Pay and if De-registered is there an option to re-register?

    You can go to the option De-register available in side-menu. However, once de-registered you cannot register with same Virtual ID. You need to proceed with fresh registration, if once de-registered.

  • What if my account is debited but the transaction does not go through?

    UPI provides for real time reversals for declines and amount would be transferred back to the payer account immediately. In case the amount is not reversed immediately, you can contact your bank for the same.

  • Will I be able to use UPI after I change my sim or mobile?

    In case of change in sim/mobile/application of the PSP, customer would require to re-register themselves for UPI.

  • What if the Fund transfer transaction gets failed or transfer is made to incorrect account?

    You need to check all the beneficiary details carefully while making any transaction. In case if any such error occurs, you can raise complaint from the Application itself through the option Complaints. Also, please read terms and conditions section of the application. In case of failed transaction, amount will be refunded to the account within 7 working days.

  • What if the Recharge or Bill payment transaction gets failed or recharge is made to incorrect mobile?

    You need to check all the beneficiary details carefully while making any transaction. In case of failed transactions of Recharge money will be refunded to account on T+1 basis (T is date of transaction) and for Bill payment T+5 basis (T is date of transaction). Please read terms and conditions section of the application.

  • If the transaction is not completed, will I get the money back? When?

    Yes, if any UPI transaction is not completed due to some technical or business reason, the reversal of the remitter’s funds will happen immediately. In case the transaction needs reconciliation because the fate of transaction is not determined immediately, the reversal of funds will happen in 3 working days.

  • Why I am not able to login in the application?

    If you are getting an error message “Make sure that Wi-Fi or mobile data is turned on, then try again”, turn on mobile data or connect to a Wi-Fi connection to be able to login into the application. If you are still getting the same error after connecting your phone to the internet, there may be an issue with the internet speed or your data. Kindly check that you have a valid data plan, and your internet connectivity is good. Retry after some time.

  • I am not able to login to bob इ PAY even after entering my login password. What do I do?
    • Make sure that your phone has network connectivity (mobile data is switched on and flight mode is turned off)
    • Make sure the login password you have entered is correct. In case you do not remember your passcode, you can click on ‘Unlock/Forgot PIN’ and reset it.
  • Why is my mobile verification process failing repeatedly?

    Mobile verification process can fail due to any of the following reasons:

    • The app is unable to send an SMS from your number
    • There is some network error on your phone
  • How can I fix it?

    Kindly ensure that your mobile phone has network connectivity (mobile data is switched on and flight mode turned off). In case you are still facing issues, you can update to the latest version of the app by logging in to Play store/Appstore and try again.

  • What do I do when I get the ‘Mobile Number not Verified’ notification while registering my mobile number?
    • Make sure that there is network connectivity on your phone (mobile data is switched on and flight mode is turned off)
    • Your telecom service provider might charge you an SMS fee for sending an SMS. Ensure that your phone has sufficient balance or an active SMS pack to send the SMS.
    • Do not switch screens/applications during the process of registration. Doing so will lead to your session expiring.
  • If I change my Mobile Handset, what shall I do?

    In case of change in handset, you have to follow below mentioned steps:

    • Download the App once again from Play store/App store
    • Confirm your mobile number
    • Register yourself by answering the secret question previously set by you in the App. If you have forgotten the answer to security question, kindly reset the same.
    • Enter Login PIN, if you have forgotten it, kindly reset the same by clicking Set/Forget Login PIN and follow the steps.
  • Device binding blocked for 24 hours. Why am I seeing this error while registration?
    • Device binding involves registering your device as a trusted device for banking by sending an SMS from it. If you attempt this process three times without success, your device will be blocked from further binding attempts for 24 hours due to security measures.
    • You can restart the registration process after the 24-hour period has passed.
  • Why am I not able to see my bank while linking my account?
    • You will only be able to see the Bank that is live on UPI.
    • Please note that only Savings, Current and Overdraft accounts can be linked. Eligible scheme codes with specific mode of operations (Individual, Proprietor) can be linked to the application.
  • How can I add my bank account?

    To make a UPI payment, you need to add a bank account on bob PAY.

    While adding your bank account, please ensure that:

    • You are registering the bob PAY application with the same mobile number that is registered in your bank account.
    • You have activated SMS services from bank. If you have not enabled it, please contact bank to enable SMS services for your account.
    • Mobile number has a valid plan or balance to send an SMS.
    • You have a strong internet connection and mobile network.
  • I am not able to set my UPI PIN. What do I do?

    You will require the last 6 digits and expiry date of your debit card to set the UPI PIN. If you fail to receive the OTP in time, kindly click on the ‘Resend OTP’ option. If it does not work, please wait for some time, and try again. Please note that only Debit cards linked to the account can be used for setting the UPI PIN.

  • What is UPI LITE?

    UPI Lite is a payment solution that allows users to make low-value transactions (up to Rs 500) without using a UPI PIN. 

    • No PIN required: You can make payments of up to ₹500 without using a UPI PIN.
    • Maximum Balance: You can add maximum Rs 2000 in your UPI LITE account.  
    • Daily limit: You can make a total of ₹4,000 in transactions per day. 
    • No KYC: You don't need to complete additional KYC to set up a UPI Lite account. 
    • Cleaner bank statements: Only the initial load, top up, and unload transactions appear on the bank statement. 
    • User-friendly interface: UPI Lite has an easy-to-use design to simplify the online transaction process.
  • How can I activate UPI LITE?
    • Click on Activate UPI LITE.
    • Enters amount to be added to UPI LITE and select the bank account to be linked.
    • Enter UPI PIN, UPI Lite account is created successfully.
  • I am not able to activate UPI Lite?

    If you are getting an error “Unable to process your request (Merchant Tag is Mandatory if Payer/Payee is Entity)”, this is because you have activated “I’m merchant” Tab in your profile.

    To activate UPI Lite for such cases, you need to create another VPA ID and then activate UPI LITE account by selecting your new VPA as your default UPI ID.

  • How can I disable/close UPI LITE account?
    • You can close UPI LITE account by selecting your UPI LITE account from the Account Management Tab.
    • Select “Close” Tab and confirm. Your UPI LITE account will be closed.
  • What happens to my money after closing the UPI LITE account?

    If you close the UPI LITE account, money will be refunded back to bank account from the LITE account.

  • If an account is delinked, what happens to UPI LITE account linked with it?

    The UPI Lite account linked with the respective account will also get removed from the list of accounts. To add the UPI LITE account, you need to add the linked account again.

  • How can I add another UPI LITE account on bob इ PAY which has an active UPI LITE enabled on another account?

    You will have to first disable the existing UPI LITE account to initiate a refund for the UPI LITE balance which is active on bob इ PAY and then enable UPI LITE account using the bank account which you want to link with your UPI LITE account.

  • Why I am not able to add balance to my UPI LITE account?

    You can add balance only through the account which is linked to the UPI LITE account. Please ensure that your linked bank account has sufficient funds for the transfer.

  • I have an active UPI LITE account with balance in my mobile device. What should I do if I want to change the mobile device?

    Disable the existing LITE account on your phone to transfer your LITE balance to your bank account. After that, you can create a new LITE account on your new device.

  • I am getting error “Services are unavailable at the moment. We deeply regret the inconvenience. We will be back soon. Please try after some time”. What should I Do?

    If mobile data is off or there is no internet connection, this error message is displayed. You should turn on your mobile data or connect to a Wi-Fi connection to use the application.

  • How can I link my Rupay Credit Card for making payments?
    • After login to bob PAY application, tap on “Link Rupay Credit Card”. Click on “Add Accounts” option and select “Link Rupay Credit Card”.
    • Please select your bank from the list which has issued the Rupay Credit card.
    • Select and confirm the card you wish to list from the list of cards displayed. Your card will be added successfully.
    • If UPI PIN is not set for the credit card, kindly set your UPI PIN for making payments by entering last 6 digits of your RuPay Credit Card number, expiry date and follow steps to complete the journey.
    • Your Rupay credit card is set for making payments.
  • Why I am not able to make payments using Rupay credit cards?
    • Please ensure that you have a valid and active credit card. You can activate your credit card by setting PIN or contacting issuer bank.
    • You can make only P2M (Person to Merchant) payments through your credit card via UPI.
    • Your current limit is not sufficient to make the payment.
  • Will I be charged for linking or carrying out any transaction from linked Credit Card on UPI?

    You will not be charged for linking or carrying out any transaction from the linked Credit Card on UPI.

  • What is Tap and Pay?

    Tap and Pay is a feature in UPI which allows you to make payments by tapping your NFC enabled mobile phones on NFC smart QRs/ NFC QR soundboxes or UPI smart tags with NFC.

  • How can I make payment using Tap and Pay feature?
    • Click on Tap and Pay.
    • If NFC is not enabled, app will guide you to enable NFC on your device first.
    • After enabling NFC, enter amount to be paid.
    • Tap your phone on Receiver’s QR which is NFC equipped to Transfer Money
  • What are the services available in bob इ PAY?

    Various services mentioned below are available in bob इ PAY

    • Scan Any QR code
    • Send Money
    • Receive Money through Collect Request
    • Activate Global UPI
    • Activate Foreign Inward Remittance
    • Credit card bill payments
    • Tap & Pay- capture the payee UPI ID/VPA through NFC (Near Field Communication).
    • Link Rupay Credit Card
    • UPI Number/Mapper
    • UPI LITE:  An online wallet for making low value transactions without entering UPI PIN
    • UPI Autopay- Manage your mandates in one click
    • Utility Bill Payments- Electricity/LPG/Gas/Donation/Credit Card Bill Payment
    • Mobile/DTH/Cable TV Recharge
    • FASTag recharge
    • Safe and secure.
    • 24*7 availability.
    • Transaction limit setup.
    • Manage UPI ID
    • Account Management
    • Set/Reset UPI PIN
    • Dispute Management
    • Transaction History
    • Manage Beneficiary
    • Support ASBA
  • What are the requirements to participate in an IPO, through UPI?
    • Log in to the IPO website or mobile app of your broker and select the IPO you want to apply for
    • Fill the details and submit your UPI ID as the payment option.
    • After submitting the application on your Broker page, you will receive a mandate on bob इ PAY
    • Accept the mandate and provide UPI PIN to successfully apply for the IPO.
  • What is UPI number?

    A UPI Number is a bank-verified phone number identifier of your UPI ID. It allows you to receive money from users, regardless of the app the user is on. This can be your phone number, or any 8–10-digit numeric ID you choose.

  • What is AutoPay in UPI?

    Autopay in UPI is a feature that allows you to automate recurring payments. This can be used for subscriptions, utility bills, loan repayments, or any other regular transactions. Once you set up Autopay, the payments will be automatically deducted from your account on scheduled dates, simplifying the payment process and ensuring timely transactions without the need for manual intervention each time. You can manage these autopay settings through the application.

  • What should I do if I have changed my Mobile number?

    First you need to register your new number in your bank account.
    Un install the application and register with your new number, add your bank accounts once again.

  • I have forgotten both my Login PIN and Security Question and Answer. How to reset it?
    • On the Login screen, click Unlock/Forgot login PIN.
    • An OTP is sent to your registered mobile number. Enter OTP and click on Verify.
    • Security Question will be displayed on the screen.
    • Click “Forgot security answer?”
    • Security Question will be displayed on the screen for reset.
    • Enter your Security answer, re-enter your security answer.
    • An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number. Enter OTP and click on Verify.
    • Security Question and Answer is reset.
    • Again, click on Unlock/Forgot login PIN
    • An OTP is sent to your registered mobile number. Enter OTP and click on Verify.
    • Security Question will be displayed on the screen.
    • Enter Security Question answer set by you.
    • Enter new Login PIN and you are good to go.
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Banking Mantra

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