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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How can I find the nearest Bank of Baroda ATM in Duliajan Oil Town?

    You can use the Bank of Baroda website or mobile app to locate the nearest ATM in Duliajan Oil Town. Additionally, you can also call the Bank of Baroda customer service helpline for assistance.

  • Is there a fee associated with using a Bank of Baroda ATM in Duliajan Oil Town for transactions with Bank of Baroda accounts?

    Bank of Baroda offers complimentary financial transactions for both BOB customers and non-BOB customers. This free service is applicable to a limited number of transactions for both BOB and non-BOB customers. For more information on applicable limits and charges, please visit the service charges webpage.

  • Can I use my Bank of Baroda debit card at other bank ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town without any additional charges?

    Yes, you can use Bank of Baroda debit card at other bank ATMs for limited number of transactions. For more information on applicable limits and charges, please visit the service charges webpage.

  • What is the maximum limit for cash withdrawal from a Bank of Baroda ATM in Duliajan Oil Town ?

    The maximum cash withdrawal limit from a Bank of Baroda ATM in Duliajan Oil Town is determined by the bank and may vary based on factors such as the type of account and ATM Card.

  • Can I deposit cash at Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town?

    No, it is not possible to deposit cash in the ATM. However, you can utilize the Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) feature at Bank of Baroda to deposit cash.

  • How can I change my Bank of Baroda ATM PIN in Duliajan Oil Town?

    You can change your Bank of Baroda ATM PIN in Duliajan Oil Town by visiting a Bank of Baroda ATM, inserting your card, selecting the Change PIN option, and following the instructions provided on the screen.

  • Can I transfer funds between my Bank of Baroda accounts using an ATM in Duliajan Oil Town?

    No, Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town does Not allow you to transfer funds between your Bank of Baroda accounts.

  • Do Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town provide additional services like mobile recharge or bill payment?

    No, Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town does Not allow you to transfer funds between your Bank of Baroda accounts.

  • Is it possible to check my account balance at Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town?

    Yes, Bank of Baroda ATMs in Duliajan Oil Town provide an option to check your account balance. Simply select the Balance Inquiry option on the ATM screen and follow the instructions.

  • What should I do if my Bank of Baroda ATM card gets stuck in the machine in Duliajan Oil Town?

    In case your Bank of Baroda ATM card gets stuck in the machine in Duliajan Oil Town, immediately contact the customer service helpline or visit the nearest Bank of Baroda branch to report the issue and request assistance.

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