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Account Balance

To provide hassle free and convenient banking services to customer by leveraging technology, Bank has introduced missed call facility for balance inquiry. All customers who have registered their mobile number can get the balance of their accounts by just giving a missed call from their registered mobile number on 8468001111.

The call made to the above number will automatically disconnect after first ring. Customer will then receive an SMS giving the last four digit of account and current balance of accounts.

Main features of this facility are as under
  • This facility is free of cost.
  • This facility is available 24X7.
  • Balance of accounts under Saving Bank (SB), Current Account (CA), Overdraft (OD) and Cash Credit (CC) will be provided through this facility.
  • Customer may have more than one account with same mobile number. In that case SMS of maximum length of 320 characters (2 messages) will be sent to customers. For remaining accounts, customer can avail the SMS Banking Services or call our Contact Centre.
  • Customer can avail this facility maximum 3 times in a day.

Requirement to avail this facility
  • Customers mobile number should be registered with the bank.
  • Account under SB, CA, OD, CC Scheme will be eligible for this facility.
  • Customers are required to give miss call from his/her registered mobile number to the above number.
  • This service is available only for resident accounts i.e., accounts with domestic mobile number only. In other words, customer with overseas country code/mobile number will not be sent any SMS.

  • In case of loss/theft/surrender/change of mobile number, immediately contact base branch for deletion/change of mobile number.
  • If you have not registered your mobile number in your accounts, please contact your base branch for registration to avail this facility.

Mini Statement

In bank's endeavour to provide hassle free and convenient banking services to customer, digital banking has enabled yet another customer centric service i.e., "Missed Call" facility for Mini Statement". By using this service, customers who have registered their mobile number, can get mini statement of their accounts by just giving a missed call from their registered mobile number on 8468001122.

Process flow of the facility are as under
  • Customer calls the above said numbers. System will disconnect the call after one ring and then validate that the call is from registered mobile number of customer and forward the response SMS.
  • In case of multiple accounts with same mobile number, system checks whether customer has registered preferred account number. In case customer has not registered preferred account number, a SMS will be sent to customer to register his preferred number to avail the account specific services.
  • Customer can registered preferred account number by sending a SMS "REG < Last 4 digit of account no." e.g. REG 0811 to 9176612303 (Normal Charges) or to 5616150 (Premium Charges). Customer can change preferred account number at any point of time by sending SMS to registered another account number as preferred account number.
  • In case of multiple accounts with same mobile number, if customer has not configured his/her preferred account then customer can avail only balance enquiry service.
  • In case the mobile number is not associated with any account under permitted scheme then no SMS will be sent to the customer.
  • TAT for the mini statement service would remain same as per the current arrangement.
  • This facility is available 24x7.
  • Mini Statement will be available once in a day only.
Benefit to Customer Benefit to Customer
Customers do not have to pay any charges as the call would be disconnected after a ring and customer would get the balance via SMS. (If there is more than one account with the same registered mobile number then only SMS charges would be levied for making any one account as primary account by sending the SMS in prescribed format.) Cost involved would be much less as compared to a cost over counter or calling the contact centre.
Customers do not have to stay in queue in branch or have longer interface with contact centre. Enhancement in product profile.
Customer can get to know the balance of their account anytime (24X7). Reduce work load in Branches contact centres.

  • In case of loss/theft/surrender/change of mobile number, immediately.
  • Contact base branch for deletion/change of mobile number.


Just give a Missed Call for Micro Insurance

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  • Bank’s Insurance Partner - National Insurance Company Ltd.

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