• Fixed Deposits (Callable):
    Domestic Term Deposits including NRO Deposits below ₹ 3.00 Crores, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f 14-10-2024)
    Tenors Residents / General Public Resident Indian Sr. Citizen Resident Super Senior Citizen
    7 days to 14 days 4.25 4.75* 4.75*
    15 days to 45 days 4.50 5.00* 5.00*
    46 days to 90 days 5.50 6.00* 6.00*
    91 days to 180 days 5.60 6.10* 6.10*
    181 days to 210 days 5.75 6.25* 6.25*
    211 days to 270 days 6.25 6.75* 6.75*
    271 days & above and less than 1 year 6.50 7.00* 7.00*
    1 year 6.85 7.35* 7.35*
    Above 1 year to 400 days (except 400 Days) 7.00 7.50* 7.60 $
    Above 400 days and upto 2 Years 7.00 7.50* 7.60 $
    Above 2 Years and upto 3 Years 7.15 7.65* 7.75 $
    Above 3 Years and upto 5 Years 6.80 7.40 # 7.50 $
    Above 5 Years and upto 10 Years 6.50 7.50** 7.50**
    Above 10 years (MACAD
    6.25 6.75* 6.75*

    (* incl. additional ROI 0.50% for RTD upto 3 Years and additional ROI 0.50% for Above 10 Years, # incl. additional ROI of 0.50+0.10 (reduced from 0.15%) for RTD above 3 Years and upto 5 Years w.e.f 14.10.2024, **incl. additional ROI of 0.50%+0.50% for RTD above 5 Years and upto 10 Years to Resident Senior Citizens and $ includes 0.10% for Super Senior Citizens for Deposits above 1 year and upto 5 years)

    bob Utsav Deposits Scheme

    Tenors Residents / General Public / NRO ROI (%) Resident Indian Senior Citizen ROI (%)* Residents Super Senior Citizen ROI(%)*
    Bob Utsav Deposit Scheme (400 Days) 7.30 7.80 * 7.90 $

    (* incl. additional ROI 0.50% for RTD upto 3 Years and additional ROI 0.50% for Above 10 Years, $ includes 0.10% for Senior Citizens for Deposits above 1 year and upto 5 years)

  • bob earth Green Term Deposits - Domestic & NRO Deposits below ₹ 3.00 Crores, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f 14-10-2024)
  • Domestic Term Deposits & NRO Deposits ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12.03.2025)
  • bob earth Green Term Deposits - Domestic & NRO Deposits ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • Domestic NRE Term Deposits ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12.03.2025)
  • Domestic Term Deposits including NRO Deposits of Above Rs 10 Crores to upto Rs 1000 Crores, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • NRE Term (Rupee) Deposits Below ₹ 3.00 Crore, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] – (w.e.f. 14-10-2024)
  • bob earth Green Term Deposits - NRE Term Deposits of ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • NRE Term Deposits of Above Rs. 10 crores to upto Rs.1000 Crores, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • Fixed Deposits (Non-Callable):
    * Premature withdrawal of fixed deposits is not permitted under 'non-callable' deposit schemes.
    Baroda Advantage Fixed Deposit (Domestic, NRE & NRO) Accounts, ROI in % (Minimum Single Deposit above ₹1 crores & below ₹3 Crores) [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f. 14-10-2024)
  • Domestic Term Deposits including NRE/NRO of ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12.03.2025)
  • bob earth Green Term Deposits - Domestic, NRE & NRO Deposits below ₹ 3.00 Crores, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f 14-10-2024)
  • bob earth Green Term Deposits - Domestic Term Deposits (including NRE/NRO of ₹ 3.00 Crores to ₹ 10.00 Crores [Fresh & Renewal] ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • Baroda Advantage Fixed Deposit (Domestic) Accounts of Above Rs. 10 crores to upto Rs.1000 Crores, ROI in % - (w.e.f. 12-03-2025)
  • Fixed Deposits (Tax Saving):
    Baroda Tax Savings Fixed Deposit, ROI in % [Fresh & Renewal] - (w.e.f. 14-10-2024)
  • FCNR(B) - Deposits:
    Foreign Currency Non-resident Deposit - FCNR(B) - Deposits w.e.f. 16th February, 2025 . The rates shall be effective up to 15th March, 2025. (Rates are subject to change as per Bank’s discretion)
  • SB Deposits:
    Slab wise Revised Rate of interest on SB Deposits, ROI in % - (w.e.f 27.02.2024)
  • Notes:
    • Capital Gain Account Scheme, 1988:

      For all Deposits under Capital Gain Accounts Scheme, 1988, interest rate will be applicable as per normal time & period. It will also not be in order to offer higher/differential rate of interest on deposits received under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988.

    • Premature withdrawal of Deposits (at the Discretion of Bank):

      • No penalty for premature payment will be levied in case of premature payment of deposits up to Rs 5 lacs provided it remained with the bank for a minimum period of 12 months.
      • For Deposits not remained with the Bank for 12 months or having Deposits Amount above Rs. 5.00 Lakh but less than Rs. 1.00 Crores, Interest will be paid after deducting a penalty of 1% from such applicable rate or the contracted rate whichever is lower in the cases which are subject to charging penalty.
      • Premature closure of Deposits of Rs. 1.00 Crore and above is allowed only with 31 days prior notice, and Penalty @1.5% on applicable rate of interest for the period for which the deposit has remained with the bank or the contracted rate of deposit whichever is lower.
      • NRE term deposits should be opened for a minimum term of one year.
      • No interest is payable on NRE term deposits pre-closed before one year from the date of opening of the said deposit.

    • FCNR Deposits :

      • Deposit will be accepted for a minimum period of 12 months and interest on such deposits will be paid on maturity.
      • No interest will be payable for deposits that have remained with the bank for less than 12 months.
      • For deposits maintained for 12 months and above the rate of interest applicable for premature withdrawal for US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro, Australian Dollar and deposits will be 1.00% less than the rate applicable for the period for which it has remained with the Bank as on the date of deposit or on the date of seeking premature withdrawal, whichever, is lower.

  • Interest Payment:

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