Bank announces Financial Results for quarter ended, 31st December 2024.
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Empowering farmers by offering loans and instant banking solutions.
List of bank's authorised venders for Overdue Collection Activities Bank of Baroda is a pioneer in introducing various customer centric initiatives in the Indian Banking industry. It is a holistic, ecosystem driven platform that helps in digitizing the agronomic journey by offering new-age solutions related to agri-inputs and implements, financing, and advisory among other functionalities at the user’s fingertips.
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In accordance with the directives issued by MoRD, Bank is introducing a new lending scheme “BOB NARI SHAKTI” for enterprise financing to women SHG members of the DAY NRLM SHG.
With the aim of catering to the requirements of large/high income farmers and progressive and scientific farmers/ cultivators, undertaking cultivation using latest techniques and meet the needs of the progressive and hi-tech farmers , who are adopting innovative technologies and agricultural practices, as they require more funding.
Financing the new projects, working capital and non fund based facilities to the units engaged in activities of oil mill/solvent extraction, agro/food processing, cotton seed oil extraction, etc.
A financial aid for setting up of Agriclinics and Agribusiness centers in order to supplement efforts of public extension by necessarily providing extension and other services to the farmers.
Provide adequate and timely credit support under a single window to the farmers for activities related to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries.
Aims at providing adequate and timely credit support from the banking system under a single window to the farmers for their cultivation & other needs.
A scheme to meet the emergent funds requirements for agriculture and domestic purposes during off season. Farmers who are existing Baroda Kisan Card Holders are eligible.
Scheme for construction of toilets including refurbishment of household toilets. Improvement of drinking water facilities, financing construction of water tank, bore well water connection etc.
Term loan/working capital facilities may be considered for activities like creation of scientific storage capacity viz. godowns, dry warehouses, cold storages, cold chains, silos and market yards.
Supports in purchasing of agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. and for payment of labour charges, irrigation etc.
Finance against warehouse receipt provided to the eligible people. Farmers including Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) who maintain disaggregated data of such loans.
Finance to organization/institution providing services like a tractor, bulldozer, drill rig for boring wells, drilling tube wells. Equipment for construction of wells, lift irrigation, purchase of combine harvester, etc.
The scheme was aimed at the construction of “farm structures viz; bullock shed, implement shed, tractor and truck shed, farm store, godowns and farm silos, dutch barn, water trough for farm animals, threshing yard, “gur” making shed and fencing.
To fulfil capital and working capital requirement of units engaged in dairy, piggery, poultry, equipment/machinery/transport vehicle for purchase of feed and to meet other expenditure such as labor, marketing etc.
Financing Four Wheeler Loans to a Farmer is sanctioned to purchase any new four-wheeler including jeep, SUV, station wagon, rural transport vehicle etc., for use in their farm management activities.
Farmers engaged in the cultivation of crop as owner of land, cultivators, permanent tenants or leaseholders or sharecroppers are the eligible target group.
Financing of Joint Liability Groups to augment the flow of credit to farmers, especially small, marginal, tenant farmers, oral lessees, sharecroppers/individual taking up farm activities.
All registered farmer producer companies with at least six months of operations since registration are eligible. Provides purchase of input material for supplying to the farmers and much more.
Helps with the purchase of new tractor, tractor drawn implements and power tiller and other agriculture machines etc.
Financing Under Self Help Groups is for any purpose except speculations. Loan amount based on the need of finance of SHG and SHG should be in existence for at least 6 months.
Get financing for your gobar gas/ biogas plant installation with ease at Bank of Baroda. Check features, eligibility & repayment options to avail this facility.
A loan to provide finance to farmers for solar energy home lighting system in rural and semi-urban places for renewable source of energy.
Meet short term agriculture credit and investment needs i.e. both for crop production and allied activities, Bank of Baroda offers Gold Loan at attractive interest rates to farmers up to Rs. 25 lakhs.
Any individual with self-declaration/proof that he is engaged in agriculture activities/the proceeds of LABOD/ODBOD will be used for agriculture purpose is eligible.
A loan to purchase solar photovoltaic water pumping system that consists of PV array, motor pumping set, interconnect cables, and electronics.
To provide financial assistance for purchase of Tractors
Providing working capital requirements and advances to new/existing (including take over from other banks) food and agro-based processing units.
Meet the short term credit requirements for cultivation of coffee and other plantation crops. This helps post-harvest expenses, produce marketing loan, consumption requirements of planter’s household, working capital for maintenance of farm assets, etc.
PM-KUSUM scheme is a financing installation of small renewable energy project of 2 MW. Installation of standalone solar pumps and solarization of existing grid connected agriculture pumps.
Funding used to purchase estates growing traditional plantation crops viz. coffee, tea, rubber, cardamom, cashew, pepper, coconut and other perennial orchard crops.
All registered Farmer Producer Organisations with at least 3 months of operations since registration are eligible. Provides purchase of input material for supplying to the farmers and much more.
Covers activities of terracing, bunding, levelling, kyari preparation, drainage layout and reclamation of saline, alkaline and ravine
A scheme to establish new small dairy units with 2 to 10 milch animals. Per animal cost as given/provided by respective regional offices of NABARD of the concerned state.
A scheme for on-lending to individuals/groups, which is eligible for categorization as priority sector advance under respective categories, subject to their compliance with the laid down criteria, as per RBI guidelines.
A scheme for sustainable development of fisheries sector. Beneficiary oriented sub-components activities under centrally sponsored components of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana.
Financing facility for investment in viable projects for establishing new and strengthening existing animal husbandry infrastructure units through incentives and financial support in order to improve agriculture infrastructure
A financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure. Scheme includes community farming assets through incentives and financial support in order to improve agriculture infrastructure.
A financial aid for farmers to purchase, develop and cultivate agricultural and fallow/waste land.
Scheme is only for Horticultural crops in residential sites. We encourage and facilitate kitchen garden or decorative horticulture to be undertaken by owners, occupants and housewives.
A scheme to establish new or maintaining existing orchards, gardens, plantations and nurseries. All capital cost for development of horticulture and maintenance are financed.
A financing scheme to set up a Compressed Biogas Plant. Compressed Biogas plants across India with a minimum design capacity of CBG plant i.e 2.0 tons per day are eligible to apply.
Finance for upgradation of existing Micro Food Processing enterprises under PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme.
Loan is sanctioned to all new and existing farmers engaged in agriculture and/or allied activities for the purchase of new two-wheeler (motorcycle/scooter).
A facility given by the bank to full fill the working capital requirements to food & agro-processing units.
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