गृह ऋण संबंधी टॉप-अप-संपादित
05 जून 2023
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What is Home Loan Top-Up?
Buying a home of one's own continues to be one of the biggest aspirations. However, with skyrocketing prices of real estate, property purchase remains out of the reach of many individuals. For this very reason, homebuyers are now increasingly opting for Home Loans to fund their dream house purchase. Banks and several lenders these days offer housing finance at competitive rates of interest, subject to several terms and conditions.
Add to that a top-up on your existing Home Loan product. Many banks, like Bank of Baroda, have Top-Up Loan in their range of loan products. As the name suggests, existing Home Loan customers who may need extra funds can opt for a top-up on their running Home Loans. Their eligibility for the same is ascertained by the lender based on your relationship with the bank, their repayment history and credit score, among other things. The money from such a loan can be used for various purposes, be it for a wedding, fund your child's education, or renovate/repair your home.
Top up Loan at Bank of Baroda
At Bank of Baroda, if you switch your existing Home Loan from another bank via a balance transfer, you can get a Home Loan Top-Up. The minimum is Rs. 1 lakh and a maximum of Rs 2 crore. A processing charge of 0.25% of the loan amount is applicable on a Home Loan Top-Up from Bank of Baroda (minimum Rs 5,000 upfront and maximum Rs 12,500 plus GST).
Are you wondering why you should you take a top-up loan? We try answering that question here. Keep reading to find out more.
Home Loan Top up Eligibility Criteria
An existing Bank of Baroda Home Loan customer (including NRIs, PIOs, staff and ex-staff members), who may have availed of a Home Loan under public scheme or staff housing loans, is eligible for a Top-Up Loan on a Home Loan. The applicant must be at least 21 years of age (and a co-applicant should be at least 18 years old, wherever applicable). For a resident Indian applicant, the borrower's age plus the Top-Up Loan tenure should not exceed 70 years, as per laid down norms mentioned under the Bank of Baroda Home Loan Product (the same should not exceed 65 years for in case of NRIs, PIOs or OCIs).
New customers who opt for a Balance Transfer Loan (called a Home Loan Takeover scheme at Bank of Baroda) are also eligible for a Top-Up Home Loan.
Benefits of Top-up Home Loan
• Minimal documentation, swifter loan approval and disbursal
If you're an existing Home Loan customer, getting a Top-Up on your Home Loan is easier. There is minimal documentation involves since the lender already has most of the required paperwork with you. Plus, knowing your repayment history and credit score patterns make it more convenient for the banks to go through your Top-Up Home Loan application. This makes a speedy and hassle-free loan disbursal possible. Approach your branch for a quick top up loan.
• Attractive interest rates
If you opt for a Top-Up Home Loan, you can get funds at lower interest rates than those available in case of any other personal loan option.
• Available for longer tenures
Depending on the period left in your existing Home Loan, you can opt for a Top-Up Loan for a relatively long tenure compared to other loan options.
• Can put funds to use for a wide range of purposes
You can use the funds from a Top-Up Loan in any manner you deem fit. The money can be used to finance another home purchase, renovation, and extension of an existing house, and even fund medical emergencies, a wedding, or your children's education. No restrictions are placed on how you wish to utilise this option unless you plan to use for speculation or illegal use.
• Lower processing fee as compared to personal loans
The processing fee levied by banks in case of Top-Up Home Loans is generally lower than that applicable in case of personal loans .
While one can argue the pros and cons of a Top-Up Home Loan, it does serve as a good source of emergency funds. Moreover, the fact that you can avail of the option on your existing Home Loan makes the process less cumbersome. So, if you're moving into that new house right away and need some more funds to settle into your place, this may be an option you'd want to look at.
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गृह ऋण वितरण प्रक्रिया के लिए पूरी मार्गदर्शिका
अब, जब आपके पास एक संपन्न कैरियर है, तो आप किराए पर रह रहे हैं। आपने पहले ही अपने सपनों का घर चुन लिया है। आपने उस बैंक पर भी अंकुश लगा दिया है जिसे आप कम आकर्षक ब्याज दरों, लचीली ईएमआई विकल्पों और त्वरित प्रसंस्करण और सरल प्रलेखन के आधार पर बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा से अपना गृह ऋण उधार लेना चाहते हैं। अब इससे पहले कि आप किसी वित्तीय संस्थान से संपर्क करें, यह जानने में मदद मिलती है कि गृह ऋण कैसे वितरित किया जाता है। यहां गृह ऋण वितरण प्रक्रिया के लिए एक सरल मार्गदर्शिका दी गई है जहां हम गृह ऋण वितरण के तीन चरणों पर चर्चा करते हैं।
गृह ऋण हेतु प्रोसेसिंग फीस कितनी है?
बैंक और ऋणदाता संस्थान विभिन्न प्रकार के गृह ऋण उत्पादों पर एकमुश्त शुल्क लगाते हैं। यह शुल्क, जिसे गृह ऋण प्रोसेसिंग शुल्क के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह आम तौर पर ऋण राशि से कटौती योग्य नहीं होता है और उधारकर्ता इसे अलग से भुगतान करता है। यह ऋणदाता या बैंक द्वारा किए गए ऋण प्रसंस्करण लागत को कवर करने के लिए शुल्क है। कुछ बैंक विशेष ऑफ़र के हिस्से के रूप में गृह ऋण के लिए इस तरह के प्रोसेसिंग शुल्क को माफ कर सकते हैं।