How to Get Personal Loan with Low CIBIL Score
01 नवम्बर 2019
With a number of lenders proliferating across the country borrowing money is no longer difficult. The number of phone calls we get on a daily basis selling personal loans is an indication of how the lenders are now chasing people to borrow.
However, it may be easy to borrow money as far as you are able to repay it. The moment you start defaulting on the loans, trouble starts. Even a delay in payment would mean trouble for the borrower.
A delay or default in repaying a loan affects what is called a bad credit score measured in India as CIBIL score. This score is very important for a personal loans as compared to any other form of a loan.
A personal loan is an unsecured loan which means the lender is taking a higher risk based on certain financial track record of the borrower.
The CIBIL score measures your credit worth. The range of the score is usually between 300 and 900. The closer the score is to 900 the better it is for the borrower while a score closer to 300 would mean that getting money from the official route will be difficult. Lenders are generally comfortable lending money to people with a CIBIL score of over 725.
Your CIBIL score depends on various factors concerning your borrowing track record. It does not depend on your salary. How you have financially behaved after taking a loan is the main -basis of CIBIL score. Defaults and delay, - can bring your CIBIL score down. More than any other loan CIBIL score is paramount in personal loans.
So does it mean that a person with a low CIBIL score has no option of getting a loan?
This may not always be the case. However, chronic defaulters would have trouble raising money from the official channel. But occasional delays or defaults can be managed.
Here are some of the ways in which one can raise money through personal loans despite a low CIBIL score.
Improve your income stream
In order to get incremental personal loans, the lender has to be satisfied that you have the ability to repay the loan. A new source of funds or a salary increment will go a long way in convincing the lender that there is enough cash flow to support a new loan repayment. One will have to convince the lender that the new income stream is a regular one and not a one-time income. Any documentary proof like a contract with the vendor from where the borrower is getting money will help in building up the case.
Even if the lender may see merit in the story they may agree to lend on a higher interest rate than the market rate along with some additional charges.
Go in for a smaller loan
Asking for a bigger loan after having a low CIBIL score will scare away any lender. A smaller loan with an adequate income stream may convince him to risk a small amount. Taking a small loan and repaying it regularly will not only convince the lender but also help improve your CIBIL score.
Collateral loans
While personal loans may be difficult, but not impossible despite a low CIBIL score, one can go in for a Collateral loan.
Loan against shares, gold loans, - Term deposits is easier to get despite a lower CIBIL score. The lender is comfortable that they have collateral as a guarantee against any defaults. In such cases, the CIBIL score does not matter. On the other hand, a regular payment on these loans can help in improving your CIBIL score.
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Why is a CIBIL Score Important?
Started in 2000, CIBIL or the Credit Bureau is an authorized credit information company that tracks debt repayment history and provides a credit score accepted by a vast network of financial institutions as a valid benchmark to examine a potential borrower’s credit quality. Here’s why a CIBIL score is important:
Lender considers the CIBIL score before approving a loan
The information collected and maintained by the bureau is gleaned from data collected from banks and other lending institutions on a monthly basis. On the basis of this data, CIBIL issues a score. This score is shared with the lenders on request, when an applicant applies for a loan.
What is an ideal credit score?
The range is from 300 to 900. Any score higher than 750 is a decent credit score. If an applicant has a credit score higher than 750, he/she is likely to get the loan approved and may get an attractive rate of interest. A loan application may be rejected if the credit score comes out to be too low.
How to source your CIBIL report?
Apart from a CIBIL score, you can also get your CIBIL credit information report. The report details the credit quality of your auto loan, home loan, credit card, over draft facility and personal loans. It carries your personal details, employment details and account information. The procedure to source your CIBIL report is exactly the same as getting your CIBIL Score.
Components of the CIBIL report
The first part of your CIBIL report has your CIBIL score, which is a value between 300 and 900. A score closer to green that is above 750 is preferable.
Personal information
Another section contains your personal information like name, date of birth, PAN number, Passport details and gender.
Contact information
The contact Information segment will capture all your address and contact details.
Employment information
The employment section will provide details about customer’s income and occupation at the time of a previous loan sanction.
Account information
An important section of the report is the account information which details the material about the borrower’s credit cards, loans, name of the lender, type of loan (whether secured or unsecured) and all the accounts held by the borrower.
Consumer Dispute Remark
The borrower can also put in their remarks about a particular loan transaction in the Consumer Dispute Remarks for evaluators to see every time the credit report is opened for assessment. The comments are presented for a year.