Is it the right time to invest in Balanced Advantage Fund?
09 नवम्बर 2023
Is it the right time to invest in Balanced Advantage Fund?
Indian investors are contending with volatile markets owing to a complex geopolitical situation. In such volatile times, Investors with long-term investment horizon may want to explore a scheme that adapts their portfolio to align with evolving market conditions. This is where Balanced Advantage funds (BAF) come in.
What BAF offer
BAF are hybrid mutual funds that dynamically allocate investible corpus between equity and debt instruments based on changing market conditions.
BAF have been relatively successful in navigating market downturns. This was witnessed most recently during the pandemic crisis when equity markets slumped sharply.
For illustration, Baroda BNP Paribas Balanced Advantage Fund (Growth) has been considered which declined by only 21% during the pandemic even as the BSE Sensex fell by 38%.
Date | Baroda BNP Paribas Balanced Advantage Fund - Growth | S&P BSE SENSEX |
13-Jan-20 | 11.49 | 41,953 |
23-Mar-20 | 9.10 | 25,981 |
Decline | -21% | -38% |
Benefits of Investing in BAF
1. Dynamic Asset Allocation:
Periodic adjustment of asset allocation based on changing market conditions.
2. Risk Management:
Aims to reduce drawdowns compared to pure equity funds by actively allocating between debt and equity.
3. No need to time the Market:
Since the fund actively allocates between debt and equity as per changing market conditions, there is no need for investors to time the market.
4. Tax Efficiency:
Gains from Balanced Advantage Fund (with 65% equity) enjoy equity tax treatment, enhancing overall post-tax return.
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. The information provided is generic in nature and is for informational purpose only. Please consult your financial advisor before taking any decision.
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