विभिन्न प्रकार के आवर्ती जमा
21 मार्च 2023
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What are the types of Recurring Deposit?
Recurring Deposit (RD) is an easy and convenient way to start regular savings. In this, a fixed amount is deposited every month and earns interest at a predetermined rate. RD can be opened with any Bank, Post Office or NBFC by any person, a senior citizen, a minor above 10 years with a guardian, partnership firms, clubs, associations and NRIs. The rate of interest varies across financial institutions and the tenure ranges from 6 months to 10 years.
There are various types of RDs to suit the different financial needs of every individual. It is a perfect way to collect lump sum money by saving small amounts and earning high interest on it. Types of Recurring Deposits are discussed as follows -
Baroda Recurring Deposit Scheme
This is a Recurring deposit scheme offered by the Bank of Baroda. It is a basic monthly plan that accumulates small savings over a certain period. The interest gets accrued over the tenure and is paid at maturity.
Features of this RD account are as below -
Eligibility | Any individual, or minor above 10 years of age with a guardian, Clubs, associations, or partnership firms (NRE account holders are not allowed) |
Tenure | 6 months to 120 months |
Amount | Minimum ₹ 50 (in rural areas) and ₹ 100 (in urban areas); thereafter in multiples of 50 and 100 respectively |
Interest | Quarterly compounding; Interest is credited with Principal at Maturity |
TDS | TDS will be deducted as per the income tax extant guidelines. |
Loan Facility | Available up to 95% of the outstanding deposit amount |
Baroda Flexible Recurring Deposit Scheme
This is a unique kind of RD offered by the Bank of Baroda. A basic monthly saving plan, which helps customers to regulate their savings for higher returns with liquidity.
The interest is credited to the Savings account twice a year (September and March). For senior citizens, an additional 0.5% is given for deposits below ₹ 1 crore.
Features of this RD are summarized below -
Eligibility | Any individual, or minor above 10 years of age with a guardian, Clubs, associations, or partnership firms (NRE account holders are not allowed) |
Tenure | 12 months to 120 months |
Amount | ₹100 (thereafter in multiples of 100) |
Interest | Half-yearly compounding; Interest is credited to the Savings account twice a year in September and March |
TDS | TDS will be deducted as per the income tax guidelines. |
Loan Facility | Available up to 95% of the outstanding deposit amount |
NRI Recurring Deposit
Non-resident Indians or NRIs can also start RD from their NRO or NRE accounts. A major advantage of opening an NRE Recurring deposit is that it is not taxable. All the interest earned on NRE FD is tax-free. However, NRO FD is taxed at 30% plus the applicable surcharge and cess subject to change as per extant guidelines. The maturity amount of NRE RD is fully repatriable but there is a limit of 1 USD Million for repatriation on NRO RD subject to change as per extant guidelines.
Recurring Deposit is a great investment tool to meet short-term financial goals with ease. It is also very effective in creating a habit of saving. RD is a convenient way to accumulate a lump sum amount of money over a period of time. Anyone can start an RD easily including minors and senior citizens. If a Savings account already exists with a bank then no extra documentation is required. The process is fast and simple which makes RD a very attractive savings tool among all age groups and income classes.
Also Read: How to Open a Recurring Deposit Account
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