नियामक प्रौद्योगिकी: डिजिटल युग में अनुपालन
06 जुलाई 2023

Dear Reader,
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, where technological advancements continue to reshape industries, regulatory compliance has become a critical aspect of organizational success. However, with the emergence of Regulatory Technology, or RegTech, companies now have a powerful tool at their disposal to streamline and enhance their compliance processes. RegTech has gained traction as a game-changer in the financial services industry and beyond, revolutionizing the way around regulatory compliance.
What is RegTech?
Regulatory Technology refers to the use of innovative technologies to facilitate and automate regulatory compliance processes. It encompasses a wide range of tools, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analytics, blockchain, and cloud computing, among others. These technologies enable companies to effectively address regulatory requirements, monitor risks, and ensure adherence to relevant laws and regulations.
The Need for RegTech:
The regulatory landscape has witnessed a substantial increase in complexity over the past decade. Factors such as globalization, technological advancements, and changing regulatory frameworks have made compliance a significant challenge for organizations. RegTech offers advanced solutions to navigate the intricacies of compliance effectively.
Key Benefits of RegTech:
Enhanced Efficiency: RegTech solutions automate various compliance tasks, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual processes. By leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), RegTech streamlines data collection, analysis, and reporting, enabling organizations to allocate resources more efficiently.with up-to-date insights into compliance activities.
Cost Savings: RegTech solutions optimize workflows and streamline processes, leading to cost savings and improved resource allocation.
Data-driven Insights: RegTech leverages data analytics to extract valuable insights from large data sets. These insights can help companies identify patterns, trends, and potential risks, empowering them to make informed decisions and develop effective risk management strategies.
Challenges and the Way Forward:
RegTech has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations approach compliance. Its integration with AI, blockchain, and cloud computing enables advanced functionalities such as identity verification, fraud detection, and data privacy management. RegTech solutions also facilitate regulatory reporting, risk management, and audit processes, making compliance a strategic dvantage rather than a burden.
In This Issue
- Home grown StartUp Stories: Avay Biosciences - 3D Bioprinters for Tissue & Organ printing
- RBI permits FLDG between Fintechs & banks, NBFCs
- Fintech Ecosystem discussed at Vision 2030 - ‘Fintech Festival India 2023
- NPCI plans to take UPI to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries
- Google to set up Global Fintech operations centre at GIFT City
With Regards,
Akhil Handa
Chief Digital Officer
Bank of Baroda
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में काफी परिवर्तन किया है। फिनटेक में एआई वित्तीय प्रक्रियाओं को सुव्यवस्थित करने, ग्राहकों के अनुभवों में सुधार करने और परिचालन लागत को कम करने के लिए मशीन लर्निंग एल्गोरिदम और अन्य एआई प्रौद्योगिकियों के उपयोग को संदर्भित करता है। मशीन लर्निंग
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