Multi-Asset Funds: Benefit Of Different Asset Class In One Fund
13 Oct 2022

What is Multi-Asset Allocation Fund?
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund is a hybrid fund that helps investors get access to a combination of different asset classes such equity, debt, gold, international equities, commodities, among others. Different schemes may contain exposure to different asset classes. Exposure to each asset class is rebalanced regularly basis the fund manager’s view of the market.
Diversification across asset classes
Stability in returns
Active re-balancing to capture trends
Equity: Provides alpha
Debt: Provides stability
International Equity: Provides diversification
Gold: Hedge against Inflation/Geo -political risks
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully The information provided is generic in nature and is for informational purpose only. Please consult your financial advisor before taking any decision.
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